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EURALO 17 January 2012

Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Adela Danciu, Siranush  Vardanyan, Sebastien Bachollet, Christopher Wilkinson, Yrjo Lansipuro, Avri Doria, Sandra Hoferichter, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Bill Drake, Rudi Vansnick, Oksana Prykhodko,

Apologies: Manuel Schneider, Lutz Donnerhacke

Staff:  Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani


1. Roll Call and apologies

Oksana has send her apologies.

We have also received apologies from Manuel and Lutz.

2. Review of the Action Items from the 20 December 2011 call

AI 1: ICANN Studienkreis in August:  Sandra to work with Silvia to post the details of this event on the EURALO regional Events wiki

AI 2: For the next call, start as early as possible to organize a General Assembly and Showcase in Prague.

AI 3: Wolf to circulate first 2012 regional events to the EURALO list and ask for further inputs -- done (Wolfgang Kleinwächter confirmed date and place of the next Studienkreis)

AI 4: Wolf to check date and details of the Wikimedia Chapters meeting in Berlin -- still pending / Manuel did no confirm.

3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments

OCL gave a review of the current ALAC Statements that are being voted on, reviewed, or drafted.

AD: Gave update on the new gTLD WG activities and noted that At-Large may wish to look at the IRTP - C Issues Report.

4. Briefing on ICANN Academy WG process (budget, curriculum)

Sandra provided an update on the Academy. The budget needs to be discussed as the deadline for FY13 is 20 January. A new proposal has been posted.

OCL noted Sandra and he will be working with Meetings Staff to draft budgets.

SH noted that in the future, there will be links to the NewComers and Fellowship program.

WL: Academy Proposal will be dynamic, and can't meet everyone's wishes from the start. The first will be a pilot to take place in Toronto in Autumn 2012. Wolf admires Sandra for her work. Avri has also submitted a good curriculum.

Sebasitien Bachollet: The Academy, Fellowship, NewComers are all on the agenda of the PPC. Is this a subject that you'd like to discuss with the members of the PPC in Costa Rica?

SH: We are in close collaboration with ICANN staff. We've already considered.

Wolf: Sebastien's offer is a good one. However, it is up to Sandra.

Bill Drake: Preliminary outreach would be a good idea. There seems to be general interest from the GNSO and from academics. Get feedback from people.

Wolf: It was decided in Dakar to create an At-Large ad hoc WG on the academy. Once there is something concrete from At-Large, we will then consult other AC/SOs and groups.

Avri: didn't capture

OCL: 1) Sebastien's point - there is an option to widen the communication. Concern is that the Academy needs to be fully operational by Toronto. So we need to focus on developing the agenda. 2) Re Bill's - fully agree that that the discussion needs to be widened to include the AC/SOs in outreach. OCL has received a lot of correspondence from other communities re when they can get involved. WG has to put together a budget due to the FY13 budget request deadlines. So it hasn't had time to develop a clear road yet as re process of development. However, this is imminent. Once the budget request is finished by the end of the week, Sandra will work with the WG to develop the time-line for the development of the Academy. There are plans for a meeting in CR. There are plans to involve the community prior to  CR.

AI: Update on Academy will be included in the February EURALO meeting.

5. Briefing on new EURALO outreach tools (LinkedIn and FB group)

Wolf gave a brief update on the outreach tools

6. Briefing on the EuroDIG January prep. meeting in Stockholm

Sandra gave a brief update on the plans for the preparatory meeting.

Participants may dial in on the second day.

Wolf said more than 70 proposals for the Stockholm agenda  have been received.

7.  EURALO planning 2012 -- continued discussion

Wolf said first ideas have been drafted. Asked for further comments. Given the holidays, not many responses.

Original plans were for a GA in Prague. However, as there are no funds for FY12, FY13 (July 1 start) need to be the focus on EURALO requests. So EURALO possibilities for requests:

- Next EURALO GA, June in Stockholm in-line with EuroDIG 2012

- EuroSSIG in July in Meissen/Germany

- ICANN-Studienkreis 23-24 August in Oslo.

- Other upcoming events and outreach opportunities (like re:publica beginning of May, Berlin etc.)

8. EURALO proposals for ICANN FY planning 2012-13

1) Request for Scholarship for ICANN Studienkreiss

2) Request for F2F GA at EuroDIG 2013

AI: Will discuss the GA issue in the meeting in March. (to confirm)

OCL: Pointed out that the ICANN Fiscal Year 13 runs from 1 July 2012 through 30 June 2013.

9. Any other Business

Siranush noted that the NomCom is looking for candidates.

Wolf noted that three EURALO members were selected for the Costa Rica Meeting.