Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo2011/
A G E N D A -
Standing Issues:
1. Roll Call and apologies
3. Status of EURALO ALS Applications (Wolf, Olivier, Staff) (5 mins)
- New application received Status of EURALO ALS Application from Together-against-Cybercrime (TaC), France, and DD procedure.
Proposed Agenda Items:
4. Strategic Planning 2012-2015\ presentation by Kurt Pritz - TBC (10 – 15 mins max. incl. questions and discussion)
5.Time slot of the monthly EURALO call – results of the recent Doodle poll to find a more suitable date (Wolf and others) (5 minutes)
6. Follow-up on the Belgrade EURALO GA decision regarding creation of ALS for individuals (Wolf and other attendees) (5 mins)
(draft Bylaws, WG and coordination)*depending on a reasonable call participation of our individual members!* (otherwise to be postponed again) --
(draft Bylaws, WG and coordination)
GA meeting minutes and action items|^EURALO_Belgrade-GA-minutes.pdf|||||||||||||||||||||||\
- Outreach and Inreach issues
7. Briefing on the last UA-IGF in Kiev (Oksana, Wolf, Olivier) (5 mins)
- (Wolf, Olivier, Matt - 5 mins)
3. IGF in Nairobi (Wolf, Sandra - 10 mins)4. Pre-Dakar ICANN Policy Update Webinar of 13 October (Olivier, Wolf - 10mins)5. Results of elections (Olivier, Wolf - 5 mins)6. Materials for public comments (Olivier, Wolf - 10 mins)7. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC and EURALO Members (
• Planning for global IGF end of September in Nairobi / Kenya (Wolf, Sandra and others)
• Briefing on the creation of an EuroDIG support association (Wolf and Sandra)
9. Further planning EURALO activities autumn 2011 (5 mins)