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Date: Tuesday, 02 May 2023

Time: 17:00 - 18:30 UTC  For the time in various time zones click here 

******THIS WILL BE ZOOM ONLY********

Zoom Room:
Passcode: EURALO-LT1





Staff:  Gisella Gruber, Adam Peake, 

Call Management: TBD


Action Items: EN                        

Zoom Recording: EN

Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat:




Agenda: *****TO BE UPDATED*****

Image Modified PDF

  1. Staff introduction - (2min) 

  2. Welcome and overview of the agenda - Sébastien Bachollet (2min)

  3. EURALO Newsletter - Natalia Filina (2min)

  4. EURALO ALSes  - All (8min)

  5. EURALO O&E 2023 Road Map (8min)

    1. Discretionary Funding and CROP FY23

  6. Calendar Q2 & Q3 (10min) - Sébastien

    1. ICANN Meetings (ICANN77 & ICANN78)

    2. Read-Out by EURALO

    3. Round Table 2023-2, Tuesday 16 May 2023

    4. EURALO Meetings 

  7. EURALO Issues (20min) - All 

    1. ROP & Bylaws

    2. EURALO Elections 

  8. EURALO Board Members 

  9. AOB - All (10min)