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Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Zoom Room:

Meeting ID: 937 9562 8948

Passcode: EUROBRD25*

ADIGO:  EN: 3535


Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


(last update by SBT 22:15 UTC 6th September 2022)




Agenda EURALO Board meeting

  1. ICANN75 meeting (10’)
  2. EURALO Days 2022 (General Assembly, Training & Seminar) (20’)
    1. 08-10 November 2022, Brussels
    2. Suggested topics through survey
  3. ReadOut ICANN75 (5’)
  4. Discretionary founding and CROP FY2023 (5’)
  5. EURALO Issues (5’)
    1. ABR22 & ABR23
    2. NomCom22 & 23
  6. RALOs coordination (5’)
  7. Review of the EURALO road map (5’)
  8. AOB (5’)

Image Removed, in preparation for the EURALO Days.

  1. Welcome and roll call (Staff)
  2. Review of the EURALO Days Agenda:
    1. Day 0 to day 3 Format
      1. EURALO GA: Wednesday 9 November: 
  3. Guest Speakers and roles
    1. Update on Guest Speakers and invitations 
  4. Logistics - Gisella (3')
  5. Next Steps
  6. AOB
    1. Next Meeting: Tuesday 01 November at 17:00 UTC