Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Zoom Room:
Meeting ID: 937 9562 8948
Passcode: EUROBRD25*
ADIGO: EN: 3535
Audio Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
(last update by SBT 22:15 UTC 6th September 2022)
Agenda EURALO Board meeting
- ICANN75 meeting (10’)
- EURALO Days 2022 (General Assembly, Training & Seminar) (20’)
- 08-10 November 2022, Brussels
- Suggested topics through survey
- ReadOut ICANN75 (5’)
- Discretionary founding and CROP FY2023 (5’)
- EURALO Issues (5’)
- ABR22 & ABR23
- NomCom22 & 23
- RALOs coordination (5’)
- Review of the EURALO road map (5’)
- AOB (5’)
, in preparation for the EURALO Days.
- Welcome and roll call (Staff)
- Review of the EURALO Days Agenda:
- Day 0 to day 3 Format
- EURALO GA: Wednesday 9 November:
- Day 0 to day 3 Format
- Guest Speakers and roles
- Update on Guest Speakers and invitations
- Logistics - Gisella (3')
- Next Steps
- Next Meeting: Tuesday 01 November at 17:00 UTC