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Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2022


Zoom Room:

Meeting ID: 916 1181 8481

Passcode: EUROBRD12*

ADIGO:  EN: 1638


Audio Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN




  1. Quick review of the EURALO road map (attached)

    1. EURALO GA and ICANN74 meeting

    2. MRT2022-2: suggested date is Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 18:00 UTC

  2. How can we find (new) volunteers for EURALO activities and participation in working groups?

  3. Current situation in Ukraine and the effect on Europe and ICANN

  4. AOB


  1. Staff Introduction - (2')

  2. EURALO  General Assembly – 2022 (20’)

  3. ICANN74 meeting (10’)

    1. EURALO Policy Session 
  4. MRT2022-3 (Tuesday 26 April 2022) (5’)

  5. Discretionary funding and CROP FY2022 (5’)

  6. EURALO Issues (10’)

    1. ABR

    2. NomCom

    3. EROR TF

    4. EURALO Elections

  7. Feedback (10’)

    1. MRT2022-2 (Tuesday 15 March 2022)

    2. ReadOut ICANN73 (Tuesday 22 March 2022)

    3. EURALO 15th Anniversary (Tuesday 29 March 2022)

  8. Quick review of the EURALO road map (attached) (5’)

  9. AOB (3’)

  10. Oksana Prykhodko WG proposal (20’)
