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EURALO July Report 

The below items are the report of activities of EURALO for the month of July. The report includes the announcement of ICANN Board of Directors selection committees for 2019 and 2020 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) and the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC), Universal Acceptance, EURALO monthly call for July and EURALO ALSes update. 


As at July 26, 2019 the total number of certified EURALO ALSes is 37​ 

D). EURALO Monthly Call  Tuesday, 09 July 2019 


In addition, EURALO members discussed about the review of  Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder model; Call for Public Comment to the ICANN Financial Assumptions and Projections and Operating Initiatives year 2021 - 2025; Final Report of the Second Country Code Names Support Organization Review; update of ICANN 65, Marrakech meeting, June 2019; Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance were talked 

D.1 The European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) Hot topics for 2019


D.2 EURALO By-Laws Taskforce 


  • Also, there is reference in the Articles to other documents that have not been provided for review, including reference to “exhibits” and the EURALO Rules of Procedure.


D3. ATLAS III and ICANN65 Marrakech meeting, June 2019 


It was decided, as per previous years, that the August call will be skipped for the summer recess and the next EURALO monthly call will be in September.

April Report, 2019 

A. EURALO Engagement and Outreach FY19

The EURALO report for the month of April highlights the activities of EURALO community members at various working groups as well as the remaining EURALO Engagement and Outreach events for the Financial Year 2019 (FY19).



C.  EURALO call on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 at 18:00 UTC

The EURALO call was focused on the updates on the activities of EURALO community members at various ICANN Working Groups. As well as the review and/or update of last month action items.


 Claudia Ruiz  (CR) to link all SOIs of EURALO leaders and candidates and follow up with the ones without SOIs.

D. CROP Slots and RALO Discretionary Budgets - SEEDIG Travel

Nenad Marinkovic and Matthias Hudobnik are the EURALO representatives to participate at SEEDIG in Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 May 2019 using the EURALO CROP slot as well as the Discretionary funds.

E. ATLAS III Summit: ATLAS III Webinars

The first mandatory ATLAS III webinars for the applicants interested to attend the At-Large Summit III in Montreal, Canada in November 2019. The ATLAS III Webinars cover one of the compulsory 5 subjects - “Domain Names” and was held on 23rd April at 2100 UTC and 24th April at 1200 UTC, 2019.


EURALO March report is focused mainly on the ICANN64 which took place in Kobe, Japan between 09/03/2019 and 15/03/2019


1 . ICANN64 Kobe - EURALO Community Members at ICANN64 Meetings

A1 EURALO FBSC Representatives at the Finance and Budget Session


The Finance and Budget Subcommittee (FBSC) agreed on the below as per the proposals submitted by RALOs:

Approved Proposal:  1.

Unapproved Proposals:



B. EURALO Monthly Call - Tuesday, 22 January 2019 at 19:00 UTC

The EURALO January call has the below action items agreed on:

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (OCL) to send an email on paragraph 3 of the Hot topics document.


EURALO had 3 proposals submitted for funding in FY20 but 1 got approved - “Support the Participation of Individual Users in EURALO” as other 2 proposals will not be funded in FY20 and are: 1) Internet-of-Things and the Increasing Governance Challenges; 2) Diversity in ICANN Leadership Bodies.

OCL to send the EURALO By-Laws draft to EURALO mailing list asking for final comments. After a vote will be organized for its approval.

Sebastien Bachollet (SB)to report on the ATRT3 leadership composition and further developments at the next EURALO monthly call.

C. EURALO Involvement in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Call on Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 14:00 UTC

Action items:

-Alexandra Kulikova (AK)  to contribute with the EURALO Hot topics document with a list of Events to be held in 2019 in the Eastern European region.

- AK and Natalia Mochu (NM) to follow up on potential organizations suitable as at large structures in Belarus and Moldova.

 As stated AK in her email to the At-Large members - the events in EECA in 2019 which were mentioned:

  • Russian IGF – 8 April, Moscow

  • APrIGF – 16-19 July, Vladivostok, Russia

  • Ukrainian IGF – September, Kiev

  • TLDCON – September, Lithuania

  • Belarusian IGF – October, Minsk

  • UADOM – December, Ukraine

  • EE DNS Forum – second half 2019
