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On the EURALO monthly call, held on December 20, 2016, EURALO Board member Jordi Iparraguirre, notified EURALO membership of his resignation due to other activities. As agreed on the call,  EURALO's Chair and Secretariat sent a call for nominations to fill the vacated seat  on 22 December 2016.





Nominated by


Country of Origin/Country of    Residence 


Expression of    Interest

Olawale (‘Wale) Shakiru BAKARE  Jean-Jacques Subrenant   Nigeria  /United KingdomMy interest in becoming a member of the European At-Large Organization (EURALO) board is, to assist it building the bottom-up inputs to ICANN’s policy development process.

I have acquired commercial experience both in private and public sectors, and believe this can be utilized to promote the European Regional At-Large’s future development plan, for community process, as well as internet users across the Europe. 

The areas have developed skills include but unlimited to Telecommunications, Project Management, Internet-of-Things (IOTs), Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Cyber-Security. Aside from the technical experience, I have got experience in the field of governance of internet – policy development, and other Information and Communication Technology related laws. 

I worked for the Newcastle city and Gateshead Councils on the UK Government’s Digital Scheme program, in the year 2013 and 2014. The program designed to promote the digital awareness in the North-East region of the United Kingdom.

I am a member of the EURALO Individual Users’ Association. A board member and vice chair of Individual Users’ Association since October 2015. I participated in the just concluded IANA Stewardship Transition to the global multistakeholder community, as one of the CWG participants.

Presently, I am a member of CCWG Accountability Working Group. I am an active member of Jurisdiction and Transparency subgroups.

I am a community member of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and participated on its Best Practices on Meaningful Multi-Stakeholder Participation, Establishing and Supporting Computer Emergency Response Team (CERTs) for Internet Security, Creating an Enabling Environment for the Development of Local Content. I contributed to the drafts of Local Content and Emergency Response Team for Internet Security.

My academic experience includes an MSc degree earned in Embedded Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.  Also, studied Computer Networking and File Management at the Kenton College, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

I earned a certificate in User Innovation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITx), US. I got a certificate in Initiating and Planning Projects (Project Management) from the University of California, Irvine, US.


 Oksana Prykhodko

 Self nomination.

Supported by:

  • Hanne Severinsen 
  • Plamena Popova





I would like to nominate myself for EURALO ALAC position to replace Veronica Cretu from Moldova. I think Internet users of Eastern Europe are  underrepresented in ALAC and ICANN, and gender and regional balance is extremely important for effective functioning of global multistakeholder organization. On other side, Eastern European users lack knowledge and understanding of ICANN activity and concept of multistakeholderism, and I and my organization do our best to fill this gap.
I am founder and director of iNGO “European Media Platform” with head-quarter in Kyiv, Ukraine (since 2010). As a journalist and media expert in the past, I covered activity of the Council of Europe and was the member of the Group of Specialists on Human Rights in the Information Society (MC-S-IS) of the Council of Europe Steering Committee on the media and new communication services (CDMC). In 2006 I was invited by the Council of Europe as a journalist to cover first Internet Governance Forum in Athens, and saw huge potential of new (for me) domain – Internet Governance and multistakeholderism. And in 2010 I initiated  IGF-UA and since that time I am a member of IGF-UA Steering Committee (in 2016 we had IGF-UA VII with ICANN as co-organizer). Actively participate in Southern-Eastern Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) and EuroDIG, organized several workshops at global IGF. Member of Working Group on National and Regional Initiatives on Internet Governance (NRIs). In 2010 my organization became At-Large structure, and I was elected as EURALO Secretary (for two years).

Actively participated in ICANN IDN Variant TLD Group of Experts (Cyrillic script), now member of ALAC Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC), EURALO Bylaws Taskforce WG and EURALO Task Force on ALS engagement. Organizer of numerous remote hubs in Ukraine for ICANN meeting, EuroDIG and IGF. Organizer of Safer Internet Days in Ukraine.

Participant of NetMundial. Member of At-Large Councils at two Ukrainian governmental structures (State Service of Special Communication and Protection of Information and State Agency on e-government, which is responsible for Internet governance issues in Ukraine). It was our achievement to activate Ukraine representation in GAC (our official representative in GAC will participate for the first time in ICANN meeting in person in Copenhagen).

Founder and organizer of international Forum “Media for Information Society”, initiator of multistakeholder Working Group on cybersecurity. In 2009 I graduated European Summer School on Internet Governance in Meissen, in 2010 participated in ICANN Fellowship Program. Graduated Diplo Foundation Courses on Internet Governance. We pioneered to use the term of multistakeholderism in Ukrainian, and translated a lot of materials on Internet Governance into Ukrainian and Russian (among them - Olivier's analyses of WCIT and some articles of Wolfgang Kleinwachter).  

My priority in At-Large - to help post-soviet communities to understand multistakeholderism and ICANN and to help ICANN to understand us. Hoping for your support,