- Roll call – Staff
- Review of December Action Items - (5 mins)
- At-Large Board Member Selection - 2017- Tijani and Julie Hammer (10 mins)
- Review of upcoming Public Consultations - Olivier (staff to add PCs) (5 mins)
- Update on planning for ICANN 58 Copenhagen EURALO Meeting and activities (Olivier, Wolf and all) (10 mins)
- EURALO Extraordinary Selection of ALAC Member 2017- (5 mins).
- EURALO Board member (replacement) election – Olivier and Wolf (5 mins)
- Update on EURALO By-Laws Task force– Olivier (5 mins)
- Update Task Force on ALSes Engagement– Yrjo Lansipuro (10 mins)
- FY18 Additional Budget request process - Heidi (3 mins)
- Update on At-Large Review - Olivier (3 mins)
- CCWG WS2 process Update – Erich Schweighofer and Christopher Wilkinson (5 mins)
- AOB- Captioning Evaluation survey ( Staff 5 Gisella 5 mins)