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Adobe Connect Chatroom:








Roll call-Staff


              Review of 2016.03.22 Teleconference Action Items (1 min)

 2.   Brief summary of current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments  (Olivier –10 min.)     

    1. Statements approved by the ALAC
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
      • None 
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision:

  3.  EURALO Task Forces progress update:-  (Olivier  and Wolf - 10 min)

       3.1 EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement

       3.2  Task Force on review  and  revision of the  EURALO By-Laws  

  4.  EURALO  flyer update - Olivier –( 5 min)

  See:  EURALO Flyer - 2016

  5.  Helsinki meeting-  EURALO activities planning (Olivier and Wolf - 15 min)

        5.1 EURALO General Assembly

        5.2 Outreach Activities

  6.   CROPP FY 16  requests - (Olivier, Wolf 5 min)

  7.  2016 EURALO Regional Selections for ALAC positions


2.Review of Action Items- Olivier/Wolf

3.Review of current ALAC PCs - Olivier

4. Helsinki  meeting :
a) General Assembly preparations. Documents to be drafted in preparation. GA Workspace is created - Wolf
b) Joint Civil Society/EURALO Networking Event. See : Meeting Schedule planning wiki page – Olivier and staff


5. Update Euralo By-Laws Task Force – Wolf /Olivier /Member of the task force?

6. EURALO Elections 2016. (This may be a good opportunity for Veronica and Bastian to introduce themselves) – Wolf /Olivier

7.  AOB