EURALO Flyer Project Profile
What is it? | EURALO Leaflet/ Brochure (printed) |
Size / number of pages or words | Fits on one sheet of paper, both sides, two or tri-fold? Easy readable explanation of EURALO work |
What is the main point we are communicating? | To interest readers in joining EURALO as ALS and add to its work |
Who is the main person we are writing to? | Average Internet users, non-technical; none or minimal knowledge about ICANN. |
If there is a secondary audience, who is it? | More technical users, who did not realize there are ways to participate in ICANNs work. |
What do we want the reader to do or feel because of seeing this piece? | Get interested in ICANN, visit our website, get acquainted with what we do and apply to become an ALS. |
How will the reader get this? | Will be distributed in different events and conferences. |
How will we measure whether or not this piece is successful? | Aiming for at last 1 new application from the European region. |
Other descriptive notes /Considerations | This is intended to be the official paper presentation material for EURALO |