Go beyond simply using the Internet. If you are a European civil society end-user organization concerned with Internet-related issues, you can help influence its operation, growth and development.
EURALO unites European voices of ICANN’s At-Large community, including Internet-related civil society and consumer interests, to ensure their views are included in the bottom-up, consensus-based, multi-stakeholder ICANN policy development process.
Our members include more than 25 around 35 organisations working on Internet-focused issues, including Internet Society (ISOC) chapters and consumer groups across Europe formed into individual At-Large Structures.
For more information about EURALO and the benefits of becoming an At-Large Structure, please contact us at info@icann-euralowolf.ludwig@euralo.org (staff looking into whether this address can be created and transferred to Wolf and Dessiand forward, created by Matthias, works for sure – other options like info@euralo.org etc. I don't know!)
Learn more about EURALO on our wiki at: https://st.icann.org/euralo/index.cgi
“I have been a regular user of the Internet for a long time and went to an ICANN meeting in Paris in 2008…I participated in meetings of the ‘At-Large’ constituency, representing millions of individual Internet users worldwide, and was impressed about the inclusive processes which were in place to make sure that my voice was heard.”
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond, EURALO Chair, France
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