1. It was agreed that a Task force on ALs engagement will be created to look at engagement in the region.
-Building survey to have skill sets: Prepare a list of main ICANN related topics and ask what they have expertise in. Information would be available to all members with a login. Note: To use the information we already have, such as 5 thematic priorities defined in Lisbon 2013 GA.
-Update and refine the list of ALses
2. Task force on Review and revision of By-Laws. The task will be to map out the differences between the by -laws are drafted and how EURALO actually works.
- 3. Board Call frequency: Gisella Gruber to send a Doodle for a call in 2 weeks to decide if EURALO will have a call twice a month.
3. It was agreed that there will not be an EURALO f2f meeting in Marrakesh.