Election of Board members, proposal by EURALO’s Chair:
1. We record the country of the ALS or the country of residence (for individual members) in the nominations and show them in an additional column
2. if there are no objections in the next 7 days, the size of the EURALO Board be 5 members
3. if there are no objections in the next 7 days, the EURALO Board should be balanced, as per your suggestion below
4. if there are no objections in the next 7 days, we need to develop a Board recall process
We will also need to decide on whether the Chair and Secretariat are counted as part of the 5 member Board, or not.
ie. 5 Board members + Chair + Secretariat = 7 people total
5 Board members including Chair + Secretariat = 5 people total
* The list of Board candidates incl. country of ALS / residence for individuals was reviewed. According to the performance criteria and experiences over the last years, it was suggested and decided to reduce the next Board to 5 members max. and preferably newcomers; Chair and Secretariat are added as Ex-officio but not counted as Board members. I think we do not need a further consultation on today's conclusions (anyone really interested could have participated in this call) -- see point 1 to 5 what is rather confusing to people who have not attended the call.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send an email to EURALO mailing list based on the discussions. The collective decision was to have 5 Board members + 2 ex-officio (Chair and Secretariat) . Geographic diversity criteria was agreed. Gender balance criteria is still pending. Open election will be by secret ballot.
- In coordination with EURALO’s Chair, staff will set up a poll to conduct the vote by secret ballot. All the names will be put on ballot, each ALS has 1 vote. The highest number of votes wins.
- All Candidates were requested to write a few words about themselves and accept their nominations.
- these conclusions and announcing a secret ballot soon to be prepared by Staff.
* It was agreed that there should be one Board member by country only and regional diversity and gender balance need to be considered.
* For the voting tool and instructions it should be clearly said that out of the 9 candidates every voter can select one candidate per country only (to avoid that Germans preferably select German candidates). BTW, I am not sure whether it's a good idea to limit like "each ALS has 1 vote" or a candidate only? It's better -- and a usual practice! -- that each member can select / vote up to 5 candidates (but only one per country) for such a body. And finally, those candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected for the next Board.
* The Board will be selected for a two-years-term; and as a novelty: not performing Board members can be recalled after one year to allow some "pressure" on the next members.
- Staff to forward the recording of the IGF with the discussion of the issue of Public Interest. Discussion on the Paper on Public Interest to be postponed for next call.