ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Meeting
- Welcome, Attendance, Apologies. (staff 2-3 mins)
- Review of Action Items from LA Meeting. (5 mins)
Please also refer to the main At-Large ICANN 51 Action Items page: https://community.icann.org/x/MQDxAg
From LA Meetings page for Tuesday, 14 October 2014
At-Large Accessibility Working Group
- WG to continue the SWOT and SMART analyses
- Silvia Vivanco to set up a page with 3 child pages: Landing page, SMART, SWOT and existing priorities
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate the WG's Conference calls: every 3 weeks. A Doodle shall be sent for a standing call every 3 week. 1900- 2200 UTC
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to follow up with [ blind Member from ISOC-SF Chapter] and ask her if she would like to participate in the Advisory group
- Silvia Vivanco to capture and replicate what was agreed in today's meeting (in the charts) and put it in the WIKI page
- Review of work done in (and since) LA Prioritize from the Primary Objectives for the Task Force – Including an Identification of the Key Short, Medium and Long Term opportunities, SWOT and SMART scoring from our original set as follows: This is a continuation and expansion of the work started at our previous teleconference meeting. See Accesibility WG Los Angeles 2014 meeting (25-35 mins)
- Building a culture of accessibility. (see table)
- Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices. (see table)
- Key:
- Priority: 1 - Highest, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary; N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
- Level Of Effort: marked using a Star Rating * (1) Low Effort, ** (2) Moderate/Medium, or *** (3) Higher / but still Reasonable Effort Required, N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
- Time Frame: for Start/Completion of Project** a. less than 6 months; b. 6-18; c. 18 months or longer
- Discussion (10 - 15 mins) Role of TF how it should act jointly and severally
- possible use of Sub or Specialty (Advisory/Focus) Groups
- call for existing and new members to be engaged
- New wiki page for the focus, reporting or showcasing of Best Practices in Accessibility for ICANN.
- Update on any activities, outreach and engagement, recent and opportunities, (5 mins)
- Next meeting (s) (2 mins) Next MONTHLY meeting of the TF will be at XX00 UTC on DD/MM/2014. Following meeting will be XX00 UTC on DD/MM/2015.