Adobe Connect Meeting Room: TBC
Lead: SV
Notes: GG
Agenda: Theme (English) : "IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability seen by the African Community”
- Welcome Address (5 min) - Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Chair
- Opening Address (8 min) - Olivier Crépin Leblond, ALAC Chair,
- Introductory address (24 min)
- Adiel Akploga, AFRINIC CEO, TBC (8 min)
- Pierre Dandjinou, Global Stakeholder Engagement Vice President for Africa (8 min)
- Tijani BEN JEMA, ALAC, Vice Chair and FMAI Executive Director (8 min)
- Introduction of the topic and Presentation of the draft Statement (15 min)
- Mohamed El Bashir, AFRALO vice Chair
- Fatimata Seye Sylla, Nom Com, President of BOKK JANG NGO
- Discussion, modification and adoption of the statement (30 min) - All
- Closing remarks (8 min) - Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Chair