Organization: Fatimata is to be the ALTERNATE Pen Holder in the absence of Pastor Peters Omoragbon DESIGNATED Pen Holder.
Issues raised are to be agreed to by Consensus by the WG before its referred to the AFRALO for final decision.
Organization: Together with Michel as Vice Chair and Peters as pen holder, it was decided that Fatimata be added as second pen holder
AI: Staff to update the wiki page accordinglyaccordingly
Issues identified for particular address:
Individual membership
Weighted vote
Performance metrics
Review of the criteria for the ALS certification
Time frame:
The final version of the reviewed Operating Principles should be adopted by AFRALO not later than the end of 2015
The WG calls will be on Friday at 15:00 UTC every other week
Any issue couldn’t take more than 3 conference calls to be decided on.
Next call will be on Friday 26 September at 15:00 UTC
Working Method:
The main work will be done between 2 calls: each WG member should think about the concerned issue and send on the mailing list and/or the wiki page his/her thoughts and text reflecting them
AI: All WG members to think about the individual membership and send on the mailing list and/or on the wiki page his/her thoughts and texts reflecting them prior to the upcoming call due to take place on 26 September
The calls would be for harmonization and compilation of the various texts proposed, and reaching consensus in case of deep disagreement.
Issue for next call: Individual membership