AFRALO Activity Report (November 2013)
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New Leadership of AFRALO announced
During AFRALO November monthly Teleconference held 6 November 2013, Fatimata, former Chair announced the composition of AFRALO New leadership that will take their seat at the end of ICANN 48 of Buenos Aires. She also announced the outgoing and incoming ALAC members from AFRALO.
Review and discussions of Reports from Outgoing AFRALO Leaders
During the teleconference in November 2013, extended discussions were held on the reports, activities and events that took place during the month of October : Reports on the Internet Governance Forum in Bali, Regional Community Pilot Project, Budget Development process, and the report from the Working Group on the At-large Summit II.
AFRALO Activity Report (November 2013) (English)
New Leadership of AFRALO announced
During AFRALO November monthly Teleconference held 6 November 2013, Fatimata, former Chair announced the composition of AFRALO New leadership that will take their seat at the end of ICANN 48 of Buenos Aires. She also announced the outgoing and incoming ALAC members from AFRALO.
Review and discussions of Reports from Outgoing AFRALO Leaders
During the teleconference in November 2013, extended discussions were held on the reports, activities and events that took place during the month of October : Reports on the Internet Governance Forum in Bali, Regional Community Pilot Project, Budget Development process, and the report from the Working Group on the At-large Summit II.
AFRALO held discussions on the activities of ALAC during the month of November, which included the creation of two committees: Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) and Board Member Selection Process Committee and Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BMSPC). AFRALO is represented by Mohamed and Fatimata in BCEC while Tijani and Baudouin in BMSPC. Tijani was chosen as chairman of this committee.
AFRALO also review activities on the preparation for the Second Summit of At‐Large which is expected to take place in London in June 2014.
A Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN Statement was discussed and adopted after modifications. The Statement centered on issues on the meetings of the ICANN policy. The main recommendation from the community has been to Keep the rotation between the five regions of ICANN so as to maintain the inclusive and international nature of ICANN.
New Applications For ALS
After internal consultation, the Board of AFRALO gave a favorable opinion for the accreditation Fédération Comorienne des Consommateurs as a new ALS within AFRALO.
New Applications For ALS
After internal consultation, the Board of AFRALO gave a favorable opinion for the accreditation Fédération Comorienne des Consommateurs as a new ALS within AFRALO.
Rapport d'activités d'AFRALO (Octobre 2013)
Nouveau Leadership AFRALO Annoncé
AFRALO Activity Report (October 2013)
(French Below)
Forum on Internet Governance in Bali
After an internal consultation, AFRALO gave a favorable advice for accreditation Somali Chapter of the Internet Society as a new ALS within AFRALO.
Rapport d'activités d'AFRALO (Octobre 2013)