Lead: SV
Notes: JC
- Welcome Address (Fatimata Seye Sylla, Chair of AFRALO) (3 min)
- Opening Addresses
- Olivier Crépin Leblond, ALAC Chair (3 min)
- Sébastien Bachollet, Board Member Selected by At-Large (3 min)
- Pierre Dandjinou, GSE VP for Africa (3 min)
- Yaovi Atohoun, Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager, Africa (3 min)
- Bob Ochieng, Stakeholder Engagement Manager – East Africa (3 min)
- Presentation of AFRALO/AfrICANN Statement Scorecard (Aziz Hilali/Tijani Ben Jemaa) (5 min)
- Address of the President and CEO, Fadi Chehadé (5 min)
- Introduction of Statement, Tijani Ben Jemaa, (5 min)
- Presentation of the draft Statement, Aziz Hilali (3 min)
- Discussion, modification and adoption of the statement by All (50 min)
- Closing remarks, Fatimata Seye Sylla (4 min)