AFRALO Monthly October Teleconference
A G E N D A (Français)
1. Appel 2’
2. Consultations Publiques Ouvertes - (Fatimata, Staff) 5’
Title | Deadline | |
Comment period | Reply period | |
13 September | 5 October | |
30 September | 21 October | |
1 October | 22 October | |
Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs | 11 October | 1 November |
22 October | 13 November |
A G E N D A (English)
1. Roll call 2’
2. Open Policy issues - (Fatimata, Staff) 5’
Title | Deadline | |
Comment period | Reply period | |
13 September | 5 October | |
30 September | 21 October | |
1 October | 22 October | |
Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs | 11 October | 1 November |
22 October | 13 November |
3. Reports
a. a. Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC (Titi, Yaovi, Tijani) 5’
b. Recent and upcoming Activities of AFRALO members (all) 3’
4. Item for Information
Preparation of the Internet governance forum in Bali (Fatimata, Tijani) 5’
b. Community regional outreach pilot project (Fatimata, Tijani) 5’
Working Group on the second At-Large Summit (Peters, Baudouin) 5’
d. Preparation of the AFRALO / AfrICANN joint meeting in Buenos Aires (Fatimata, all) 10’
h. Accreditation of a new ALS Internet Society Chapter of Nigeria - ALS (183) (ISOC Nigeria) (Fatimata, Aziz) 5’
5. Item for discussion
Application for a new
ALSes (Fatimata, Aziz)
Internet Society Chapter of Nigeria
(185) Fédération Comorienne des Consommateurs [PDF, 207 KB] - AFRALO - Due Diligence being carried out
Internet nternet Society Chapter of Somalia -(184) Internet Society Somalia Chapter [PDF, 140 KB] - (AFRALO) - AFRALO Regional Advice has been received. ALAC to begin vote shortly.