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  1. Dot Africa TLD (Fatimata)       5 minutes
  2. Réunion des responsables des RALO à San José (Tijani) 5 minutes
  3. Activités récentes et à venir de l'ALAC (Titi, Yaovi, Tijani) – 10 minutes
  4. Activités récentes et à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 8 minutes


5.  Rappel du Webinar pré-Costa Rica sur les politiques d’ICANN (Fatimata)


- 5 minutes


6.  Questions diverses (tous)


-  5 minutes

A G E N D A (English)


1.  Roll


call  - 2 minutes



2.  Review of the action items of the 8 February 2012 call (Fatimata, Aziz) -


5 minutes

  1. Tijani sends to the both AFRALO and AfrICANN lists an e-mail to ask for the members’ opinion on the unique final theme that they choose for Costa Rica joint meeting (to be provided in one week at last).
  2. Tijani calls for volunteers to prepare the draft statement that will be submitted to the so called joint meeting.



3.  Open Policy issues  - (Fatimata, Tijani, Staff) -


10 minutes


4. Reports

  1. ISOC Cameroon application (Aziz)                                                                       - 5 minutes
  2. Dot Africa TLD (Fatimata)                                                                                                                                  - 5 minutes
  3. Regional leadership meeting in San José (Tijani)                                                                        - 5 minutes
  4. Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC (Titi, Yaovi, TijaniTijan) -                            10 10 minutes
  5. Recent and upcoming Activities of AFRALO members (allAll) -                                8 8 minutes



5.  Reminder: Pre-Costa Rica Policy Update Webinar (Fatimata) –


5 minutes

6.  Any Other Business (


All) --  5 minutes