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Male:                                       We have, just about everybody except for Fatimata.  Tijani would you like to start.  Okay, Tijani.

Gisella Gruber:                        Good evening everybody this is the AFRALO teleconference meeting.  We are going to start this teleconference.  We are going to do the roll call again.  Good evening, we have Yaovi, Tijani, Michele, Etienne, Arnold, Aziz, Dave Adel, Alian Bajardad, Arlene Durp, Arnold Turo, we have Pastor Peters, we have Asaf Natalie on the French channel and Tijani on the English channel and myself. 

I think, Aziz will join the meeting immediately.  He cannot be there today unfortunately.   The interpreter today is here.  We have to give the transcript to Pierre as well if you can transmit everything on the English channel thank you and Tijani you have the platform.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you Gisella.  The roll call has been done and we are going to have a follow-up from the meeting in Dakar.  I am trying the best that I can; I am close to the microphone.  If you want I’ll let you. 

Unknown:                               Tijani, you are doing very well but we do not understand what you are saying. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Do you understand me? 

Gisella Gruber:                        You need to ask the interpreter. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    We are going to have the follow-up with Dakar meetings.  I remember in Dakar we said - we have a debate.  We are trying to do something that can have some harmony regarding AFRALO.  Also, for ALAC we are doing the same thing regarding the membership for ALAC and we took action regarding that.  I think we don’t have to take a quick decision regarding those items.  In high level at AFRALO in Dakar it is necessary to establish rules in order to see how we can resolve those questions. 

But, we have not, at this time, taken the measures that need to be in place.  Regarding the Secretariat of AFRALO we need to put together the effort and in harmony.  We are not going to take a quick decision right now. 

We are going to look into everything at all levels and look into the discussion that others are going to have.  And then we are going to have common decisions together, so we can have a better way to see what we need to do and what we are going to do. 

Adoun:                                    This is Adoun.  This is very, very good.  It is to say to take things and have a harmony with everybody. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Good morning all, this is Fatimata.  Are you doing okay?  We are just working on the first, the follow-up actions. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    That is good, you can keep going.  You want me to give you the platform because you are supposed to take care of that.  You tell me and then I will take over.  You tell me and then I will take over.   The second point is individual membership.  I can already give my thoughts about that.  For the first forum, Aziz? 

Aziz Hilali:                             This is Aziz.  I want to ask you said that Dave’s discussion at this level with ALAC. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    We already talked among ourselves, how a member from ALAC can have a common point with AFRALO.  This is meeting, this ALAC meeting, is open to everybody.  We are going to make an announcement.  Those who would like to participate at that meeting can participate. 

Aziz Hilali:                             This is Aziz, I know we cannot participate at the small at the last meeting.  I will repeat my question.  How at AFRALO we can inform everybody about the meeting on a specific point.   Every time that we are going to discuss on certain points, we are going to advise everybody.  I am talking about ALAC, I am not talking about AFRALO.  We are not talking about ALAC at this time.  When we get there, who will talk on that point?  

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay? Okay alright, do we have any other questions regarding the first point?  Now we are talking about individual memberships.  The current situation is this, in AFRALO we have things that we need the individual memberships.  In Europe, we need to answer to that question, they're still thinking about in order to have an adoption for the individual memberships.   AFRALO, we do not have anything at that time. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Tijani can I have the platform?  This is Fatimata.  Concerning the memberships, I propose that we have a list and I would suggest one voice, like every other item. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Fatimata, this is what the European people think they are going to do. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               What are you saying? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    What I am saying is the Europeans are saying the same thing.  Therefore, your proposal is the same proposal that the Europeans are about to propose.  To answer those questions, first of all, there are some - we individuals who can sign up for the membership for AFRALO and follow the by-laws of AFRALO.  They have to be accountable and make a report to AFRALO.   If they want to be members nothing will prevent them to be but we have to be careful because we can be in a situation where some people can come just to disturb or hijack.  We need to make sure that when we have a member they are not going to cause a lot of problems.  

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Tijani, can I talk again?  Based on the participation.  Like every other groups, the ALS, we can have our own instructors and we can decide how to put in place the committee.  Everything depends on what we are going to decide with them to put in place.  We need to think about that question that if we preoccupy and find the solution based on those situations.  If every individual participates to the ALS, we need to have a structure made on those ALS.  This is my view*.*  

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yaovi?

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Thank you can I talk? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yeah you can, you can, thank you very much. 

Yaovi Atohoun:                      I think this is a very complex subject.  If somebody wants to be a member of AFRALO, even if we create that structure the way that Fatimata said, we need to have deep thought about that because the person who wants to be a member of AFRALO, we need to make sure that, that person is going to play a very positive role.  We need to have - to think about that very, very deeply and have a solution in which we can plan and find a solution based on a lot of reflection because those people that are very active, in their own countries, we need to make sure that the time we assign to that is well thought of.  Hello?

Adjar:                                      This is Adjar.  I want to talk.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes Adjar.

Adjar:                                      Thank you.  I was going to go in the same sense of Yaovi.  It is not really prudent; the ALS cannot be a one person.  If we have the voice of the user, one voice, we cannot have just one person as the voice, one person that is not going to represent.  I think that we need to go in the way of Yaovi, we cannot have individual ALS. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Adjar.  I did not really understand, maybe I did not understand the preoccupation of this.  Yaovi preoccupation.   Can I talk?  What I just wanted to say, I am okay with what you said, what I am saying, one individual cannot be a member of AFRALO.  The solution is that all individuals are all made part of one of ALS and those people need to understand that they are members of AFRALO, they are all members under one structure and we are going to the same ALS, one ALS that we need to put together. 

We are thinking about the same thing.  But, the predisposition of those people is not going to be the same.  We would like them to consider themselves part of the same ALS, not as the individual members.  The ALS that we are going to create, we need to be careful about that.  We need to make sure that these ALSs are going to create the AFRALO ALS.  What I am saying is we need a voice and want those people who are going to be a part of this ALS not to be part of AFRALO, but as a group they are going to be members. 

Aziz Hilali:                             What I want to say is, we need to leave the time to think about it and reflect it.  I do not see how an individuals in a different country could be part of ALS, one ALS.  Do we need a certain number of ALS that we are going to create?  We are going to represent the ALS as Adjar said.  We are going to change in that case, completely the idea of AFRALO and I do not think that it is very responsible to do that. 

We want them to be - we want them to be AFRALO and we may have to use ALS that already exists.  I think that we already been done at the meeting of Dakar, we have some ALS there.  We need to be careful not to leave the time to think about it and find a solution.  We know each other and we can be in the same ALS.  This is the proposition coming from Tijani. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Can I take the, can I speak?  Thank you.  Just to let you know about the discussion that we have on AFRALO level.  We did work on that question for the independent members.  We had a very long discussion and the solution that had been returned but we have not made a decision on that.  We do not have that much change in the total structure. 

Every independent member would abide by rules that would be in place for those ALS and in order for them to have a voice based on those structures.  We would need to penalize, we need to put in the same channel, we do not want to have complete control or ownership, but this is the solution we are thinking about.  Before I give - if someone would like to participate, I know that it is open.  I do not know that person, personally.  Are we going to reject that person?  At that level of AFRALO what are we going to do? 

Yaovi Atohoun:                      This is Yaovi.  Thank you.  This is comment to Aziz.  If someone who is not a member of ALS yet, this is not evident.  If we are somebody who is of value who can bring something on the table from AFRALO, are you saying that it is difficult for that person to integrate AFRALO?  The solution, the way you are putting it together, the way that Aziz did said, the way Tijani did said, Fatimata did said, we would like to create an ALS for those people because everyone cannot be in the same ALS.  That will allow her to bring into play some value so we can have existing ALS.  Thank you Yaovi. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               If someone else would like to speak, I think we have spent enough time on that and we need to move on.  Maybe we do not have to say anything to the individual members. If nobody is saying anything, meaning that we are okay, so we need to move to the next point.  Tijani?  Go ahead Tijani.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    We need to make sure and set clearly what the decision is so we can put it down as an action item.  Somebody is asking to speak about

Etienne Tshishimbi:                Yes this is Etienne. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Do you want to talk about individual members? 

Etienne Tshishimbi:                No, no, no.  It's just to tell Tijani that I didn’t hear what he said. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Tijani did say that we need to make a clear statement on what we need to do regarding the individual members.  Do we need to create an ALS or do we need to just wait?  Adjar and Aziz do not think that we have to have individual members.  They think they need to be a part of certain ALS rather than being individual members. 

Aziz Hilali:                             Fatimata can I talk?  This is Aziz talking.  What I was saying that we need to continue to the discussion because we have not come to a common ground in making a decision on those individual members. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    This is Tijani, Fatimata.  Aziz are you done? 

Aziz Hilali:                             I am still here.  I am still here.  I am suggesting that we need to have a discussion online regarding that item.  We need to have these as action items so we can discuss that online in order for the next teleconference we can make a clear decision. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               This is a good proposal.  We are going to put it as a follow up action. Can we move on, please?  I want to move to the next item, the Secretariat of AFRALO, inside of AFRALO.  What is going to happen is half of the ALS members come from one country.  If one country has 10 ALSs, personally I do not see any problem with that because we could be from one country or different countries and be part of the ALS.  Does anyone want to talk about?  Yes, Yaovi?

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Thank you, this is Yaovi, I think, what is going to happen if a member of one ALS comes from the same country.  What I am suggesting in order for us [inaudible 00:31:28] in time, each ALS needs to vote.  After this meeting I can send a model.  We already started talking about this in Dakar.  This is very important because they are in a sense in geographic regions.  This is why it is important to have a plan on that proposal. 

Even if they are from the same country, we are going to have a measurement in how that is going to happen.  Now with that said we are going to discuss that online.  If we need to do that by country that means each country may have one ALS, which is not the case right now.  Within the framework of the work that needs to be done, even if they come from the same country they do not necessarily have the same opinion it is a job that needs to be done.  If it is a regional problem we are going to make a decision as AFRALO rather than individual. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Send that document that you're going to have Yaovi so maybe I will have a better understanding.  Tijani, I am going to give you the platform.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    We are going to create the ALS based on the countries; we are going to have a measurement also.  If we are from the same country, we are going to be part of the same ALS.  If our voice is the same voice, I may not make that much effort.  Those countries who are within AFRALO from the country with more ALS may have, they may have less vote. 

Aziz Hilali:                             Can you repeat it? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    The value of the vote from each ALS it depends on the ALS.  The voice of one ALS in that country is in a sense a contrary of one country that does not have ten ALSs. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               This is Fatimata, Aziz for example, if you are from Morocco.  If in Morocco you have a 10, all those ALS will have 1 point.  Now, if in Senegal we just have one ALS, it is going to be one as well.  Is that what you mean Tijani? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               I am going to set [inaudible 00:36:15] per country.  If one ALS from one country or many ALSs have the same view of that ALS, they are going to be in the same point.  This would take all the regions.  If we have been meeting in the same country the tendency is going to be to have the same view on things.  It is better if there are many ALS in a country they need to be in the concert, to meet in order to have the same view.  If for example, one country has 200 ALS and we have 200 votes, it is just one country voting, two others that are not.  I think it is better to take the time and think about that. Aziz, go ahead. 

Aziz Hilali:                             We need to go very fast.  As I said earlier we are going to have this as an action item.  I think that it is interesting to explain in detail how we are going to rule out those and how the discussion is going to happen.  If we find out that there are 30 ALS or 50, how are we going to deal with that?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Aziz, Tijani? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I do not think it is going to be a problem because each ALS has its own thoughts and I do not want that to be done by country.  That is going to be dangerous because it is not the community.  We are not going to be divided by community or country but by ALS.  We are going to make a very big effort in order for each ALS to be independent -- more ALS that countries are going to have less the value going to be. We need to -

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Tijani.  We are going to make a decision to see if we are going to have many ALS by country or just one, we need to be careful, based on those ALS activities, if we are not going to understand each other that mean that we are not going to have a very good reach out in this country.  We are going to do like we said, we are going to see the information that Yaovi is going to send to us and then we are going to talk about it.  Thank you. Aziz, did you want to add something.  Aziz?

Aziz Hilali:                             This is Aziz talking.  I wanted to reply to Tijani taking the reverse side.  The credit that gives the ALS, the country who is going to have many ALS, we can find a common ground, so let’s wait until we have Yaovi’s proposal. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you.  The action item that I noticed was the third point, the public participation and the open participation.  I am going to allow Tijani to talk about that, Tijani do you want to make a point on that?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I can say is there is no interest at this time. Excuse me.  You are right, you are right.  We have the IDNs for the working group.  It is the deadline is December 15.  We need to have the final report; the deadline is December 16 -- the allocation proposal.  We have the Geographical Review Report, the deadline is December 19.  December 22nd we have the working group public relations that is a final report of December 30.  The deadline, we have to register for - the deadline is the 31st of December.  We have a regional policy the deadline is March 18, 2012. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Tijani. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Fatimata there is a problem?  I am sorry I don’t.

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               This is Fatimata, the third point, if you read the proposal.  We are going to go to the point number three. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    The point number one is AFRALO the point of Dakar.  Are you listening?  Are hearing me?  Do you hear me? Did you ask a question Yaovi?  Fatimata do you hear me? 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Now it’s very difficult.  I can hear you. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    We are going to have a public conversation that is going to be open in order to prepare statements for the geographic regions statements for all members of AFRALO and gather the viewpoints knowing that the subject is going to be part of At-Large. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Tijani.  You can send all of those by mail.  Thank you very much.  Can I ask everybody to be on mute because the background noise, this is disturbing.  Can we go to the fourth point of the report?  Audia, could you give us a briefing of the presentation of the five points regarding AFRALO Dakar?  Rapidly, okay?  

Aziz Hilali:                             Yaovi, if we can, if we can get in time because people are leaving now, so.  The report that we already sent, is that what you are talking about because all of the reports have been sent.  Tijani did the reports on the losing capacity.  In that report we have updates on the general capacity and developing and the joint meetings of AFRALO Africa.  If you want the details on the specific points, I can answer those points. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Aziz.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Based on what Yaovi said, we are going to Point B based on Dakar meeting regarding Hotel Des Almadies and we follow-up with a report.  We have an internal discussion and those documents were sent At-Large, ALAC, ICANN also to point out the problem we have at the Hotel Des Almadies who did respect what they promise to do.  At the level of ICANN there is a letter coming from Barbara regarding the person in charge of the organization.  This letter was a very tough and was sent it was a big shock for the entire community, for the Senegal community who organized ICANN.  I find myself personally, that I was the person in origin of this report. 

Based on a national decision, I did defend myself but it was not well [inaudible 00:51:09].  I was accused but it was not my fault.  This is the situation.  I did talk to Olivier and Olivier did ask me what are we going to do, and I did say I was going to talk about that during the AFRALO meeting and we would make a decision together.  This letter we will send to Africa and to the greeting committee, Dakar community was - Yaovi?  Yes Yaovi?

Yaovi Atohoun:                      I am sorry to take the platform.  I did not get the contents of the letter.  It would be nice to give out more information if there is an official reaction of AFRALO because I do not think that nobody was accused.  Personally I was at Des Almadies and I saw the effort that you made.  I know there was a witness at Des Almadies and I do not think a witness from the hotel we can accuse. 

The entire meeting in Senegal in my view was almost perfect.  Besides what has happen with Des Almadies I would suggest that we have the contents of the letter so we can see what kind of decision AFRALO is going to have.  Thank you.

Unknown:                               Fatimata this is [inaudible00:54:09], I heard Tijani.  Say hi to my brother Tijani.  Thank you, Tijani. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         What happened was Barbara, Vice President of ICANN, as you said to Fatimata, they sent a letter to the Minister of Telecommunications.  I was not informed, nobody was informed.  I heard about that by reading [inaudible00:54:43] that [inaudible00:54:49] of the business with ICANN who saw the original letter, the reports we made.  We made a report.  We made this report for the department who take care of travelling and hotel, hotel accommodations. 

It was an internal report that was sent to the Minister that was published and two days later we learned two days later when the letter was out there it was on ICANN site and all the news took over and we sent an excuse letter without checking the time, if whether or not it was possible to follow [inaudible00:55:58].  It was her responsibility, herself.  Because of Heidi, who pointed out the problem, we got the letter.  It is a mistake and it was very monumental at a diplomatic level for that letter. 

That letter put Senegal in cause and that is completely wrong.  When we went to a hotel in Paris we are not going to send a letter to the Minister of Communication in France to talk about that.  We present our apologies in order to fix those things.  I do not know if it is over or not.  If there is going to be an after math damage in Senegal. 

Tonight we are going to have a meeting for the Board of Directors and one of the subjects that we are going to talk about is going to be the letter that Barbara England sent, I do not know what is going to come out, the outcome of that.  I do not know.   One thing that ICANN can suggest, send somebody from Senegal to personally apologize.  All of these things are outside of our reach.  It is going to be the Board and we are going to know more about tomorrow after the board of Director’s discussion with Barbara at ICANN.  

They were just one hour ago, our mates here in London, the Chairman of the Board who were affirm it was not informed about that letter.  That was a shock also.  They are going to do everything in their disposal to re-establish the relations the way they used to be with AFRALO Dakar.  And ICANN and the entire African community, just with a letter like that this is news that I may have regarding the letter. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Olivier.  Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you Fatimata.  Listen I was very more than shocked by Barbara’s letter.  ALAC and I remained shocked.  I would say that I am really disappointed.  I have a big problem.  And our President has been accused because people think that she is part of that reform.  That there needs to be corrected.  I do not have a clear idea on how we are going to make that better.  

I take an official position of AFRALO, on the national plan, in Senegal, in order to rectify what has happened so AFRALO and I can tell you that AFRALO has suffered from that letter.  And how she says which has been mentioned by everybody.  Based on Dakar meeting now what she says is completely overtaken by these problems that have nothing to do with the greeting that we had at the Dakar Airport. 

We have never had such great greetings before; the transportation support.  I think that as African during that we have many, many success and then it is completely took over by that letter.  The national community - we are going to try and communicate with the Minister of Telecommunications that the mistake coming from Barbara’s letter cannot be used against AFRALO.  That was a mistake. 

She cannot write to a Minister or send a letter to a Minister by somebody who does not have the same ranking.  But, I am sorry.  We need to have a clear position from AFRALO in order to help our President in that position, in the position where she was accused.  Thank you. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Tijani.  AFRALO, I am the President.  I do not see how I am going to send to myself a letter.  I am the President of AFRALO.  I am AFRALO. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Can I take the platform again?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:              Yes Tijani I am listing to you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Can I propose that AFRALO can meet with ALAC and then ALAC will send a letter?  I think myself that whether or not the good thing to do is you said that we need to meet and see what, what I am asking is that if the President of ALAC could send a letter?  Write a letter and mention that Fatimata was trying to explain in order to help by saying that she was never aware of these reports.

Aziz Hilali:                             This is Aziz.  Thank you.  Just to react on that.  I think it is not ALAC’s responsibility to write to the Minister of Communication.  It is the responsibility of whoever sent the letter.  Barbara should send the letter to the Minister saying that the President of AFRALO is not part of that report.  ICANN and AFRALO, does not have to intervene, nor ALAC because Fatimata as the President of AFRALO has been accused of that the person, the owner of that report needs to write to the committee, the organization committee, personally to write to the organization committee to mention that she is not part of it. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               I am asking Adigo to call back.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Do we have different reactions?  Tijani, thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    The letter was written by Barbara Arce, that the letter is accusing Senegal at many levels that we mentioned.   We have no problem with the Senegal to the contrary.   We need to remember that this is not the first time that we have had a problem with other countries.  If there is a problem, if ALAC has a problem, it was a problem with the hotel.  It was a problem with the prostitutes in front of the hotel, that is what is terrible. 

The problem is that the liaison between the fact that the internal report, we need to make sure that only the internal channel of ALAC should have, you know, to look at these reports.  These reports should have never been sent to the Minister.  At the level of ALAC we are going to talk about that.  We may have to send a letter to the Minister where we are going to explain that Fatimata has nothing to do with reports and that was an internal report.  It was just a problem at the hotel. 

We are not going to have a big problem regarding a little problem that happened in the hotel.  We need to talk about the report because the National Committee of Organization accused Fatimata based on those reports and they think that Fatimata was the person who was at origin of the report.  They think Fatimata did make that report, to the contrary he did not. 

We need to find the apology that needs to be, so I am sorry about that.  It is very absurd that the organizational committee thought the way that they thought about it.  The people were very aggressive.  She was aggressed.  Those who read the reports, the report that was written by Barbara, I think the contradiction, the suggestion of Olivier is very honorable. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               This is Fatimata, I am back, I was off line for a moment.  Thank you, Tijani.  You were just saying the report has handicapped the country. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         No, the report he is not talking about.  The report did not criticize the country.  It is only regarding the hotel.  What has happened with the delegation in that hotel.  I assume that the entire responsibly of that report as a member of ALAC.  Fatimata had nothing to do with that. It is me, as a share of ALAC I wrote a major part of the report.  I wrote the report also with my colleague in ALAC.  We need to talk about that.  I am not going to send correspondence to the Minister.  Completely I am available to do that. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Olivier, Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Olivier, I am sorry I did not say that the reports are talking about the country. I am saying that the greeting committee accused, Fatimata saying that I wrote the report.  I did not want to put the entire community in that box. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Tijani, I think we understood, that we understand each other.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    How can I say it, Olivier understood completely and I would like to attempt to make that clarification that I have a very good report and relationship with the Minister of Communication and the Minister of Communication appreciate me enough and I can see the Minister any time that I want to.  This is something that is going to damage the relationship that we have.  The accusation was made by someone, I cannot say the name of that person, but madam [inaudible 01:13:53] herself.  She has to, we have to decide how to trust either Fatimata or she?  Are we okay? 

Yaovi Atohoun:                      We do need to talk about the action item.  What I am suggesting at AFRALO level, we need to talk about that subject.  I wish to understand as a person who went to that hotel so we can accept that we [inaudible 01:14:56] the hotel, I have not read the report.  We can keep to make the exchange among ourselves and then we cannot accuse somebody.  We can continue to have some discussion.  That is all I want to say.  Thank you.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I think that it is urgent to clarify Fatimata position on that report with the Senegalese authorities.  This is important based on her contributions at [inaudible 01:16:01] level.  I think it is pertinent that Olivier could clarify those things.  I know but maybe the hotel has bad quality but it is important to clarify that Fatimata has nothing to do with the reports and those reports that were in the first place not to the Senegalese authority’s attention.   I think that we have reached the time. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         I am asking the question again?  Do we have to listen to what Tijani said for the other activities? I want to ask the question to everybody.  Are we going to report on this?  Can we have the other point for the next meeting because we have three points on the 4th point and two other points, Fatimata?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Aziz, first of all, concerning the President’s point regarding that ALAC needs to send the letter regarding Fatimata had nothing to do with the report.  And now regarding the report there is nothing new.  We just need to prepare the general plans.  We can have the last one, depends on our responsibilities. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Tijani.  Do we have other news, or comments?  Tijani, for the reports, you have already made the reports, there are no changes, it looks good.  The recent activities ALAC I did not understand what you are saying.  

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    If we are making those reports you said that we are going to talk about the responsibilities or reduce the responsibilities.  You said that we would have one hour for the meeting regarding the responsibilities, we can have an understanding on two viewpoints, the common from the viewpoint on this end, the other viewpoint I will leave it to each of us.  Based on the responsibilities, if the person has two responsibilities or two functions, that is not compatible. 

If you would, inside of At-Large, for me if you have two, if you have two different organizations outside of at large, yes.   Now I want to have your viewpoints with AFRALO, expect if one person who At-Large can have a function, can have another function outside of AFRALO or within AFRALO.  

Unknown:                               Within At-Large or outside of at large?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I can give my point of view to start.  My view is as long as this person has been appointed as a member of AFRALO in order to have that function at AFRALO for AFRALO it can be at ALAC or anywhere else or At-Large or anywhere else I think that model.  It depends on members willing.  For example, if we nominate Fatimata as AFRALO and if I am in At-Large then it's going to be a little conflict here.  This is my view.

Aziz Hilali:                             Fatimata?

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Yes, Aziz. 

Aziz Hilali:                             I am checking the, I want to talk to go to the same perspectives.  As you said we cannot, that is a related function, as long as it is within the same organizations.  I think it's an advantage within AFRALO there [inaudible01:23:22] because we depend on ALAC within the ALAC community it is important.  It is something that is already practiced within ALAC.   And I will have also - what we call related is something that was to be decided by the member of AFRALO. 

It was the Board that decided.  I think those who do not want this to be doubled if the person has been nominated, we can suggest, if within AFRALO if somebody who is a good element based on his ability can have and who wants to be part of the Board of AFRALO, at this moment we will go the usual procedure, the exchange and the voting rights. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Aziz it was well said.  If we have different opinions or different ideas - 

Yaovi Atohoun:                      No?  This is Yaovi. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Yaovi.  This is not the time to talk about that.  I do not understand it very well, where is the problem? 

Yaovi Atohoun:                      I don’t see what a committee function I do not see this at this time.  I do not understand the question at this time, this is what I wanted to say. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you, Yaovi.  This is Fatimata.  Based on this one I suggest that we can take a note as decision [inaudible01:26:26] as Yaovi just said, he doesn’t understand.  If we think that it is a community responsibility that person can say clearly what it is and propose alternative suggestions and the community is going to make the decision.  Because we do not see any problems to accumulate with a function within AFRALO, okay we can take a note of that.

Ajune:                                      I think it is responsible because Yaovi said that he does not understand.   Myself I am trying to understand that but I don’t see exactly where we are going with that discussion. 

Fatimata Seye Sylla:               Thank you Ajune.  If someone thinks there is a problem with responsibilities, we are going to have the person explain themselves and then make a proposal.  Then those we are going to participate at that meeting because some of the people here do not understand what the community function is not with AFRALO.  We do not understand.  All of the responsibilities have been decided by the committee. 

                                                Based on that are there any other questions?  I thank you very much.  Thank you everybody and thank you Olivier for participating.  I think we had a very good meeting today and we are going to try and do better next time.  Thank you Tijani, Yaovi, and Aziz what you are saying?  We did not understand.   Thank you.  Goodbye.

-End of Recorded Material-