2. Review of the action items of the 26 October 2011 meeting - (Fatimata, Tijani) 5 minutes*
- inactive ALSes
- Individual Membership:
- Is it possible?
- Under which conditions?
- If adopted, would they be first grouped in a single ALS?
- Vote criteria inside AFRALO:
- Vote per country or per ALS (as it is now)?
- What would happen if for example more than half of the ALSes come from the same country?
iii. ICANN Summit on developing countries (Tijani)
iv. General Assembly
v. AfrICANN - AFRALO meeting
d. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Titi, Yaovi, Tijani) - 5 minsminutes
e. Recent/Upcoming activities of AFRALO members (all) - 5 minsminutes
5. Accumulation of responsibilities
6. Any other Business - (all) - 5mins5 minutes