Report: AFRALO - Monthly Meeting
- AFRALO Capacity Building Group (hadia.elminiawi)
Establishment of a group of capacity building. Amina Ramallan will propose the Termes of Reference. Amina and Muriel are volunteers to be co-chairs.
- Preparation of ICANN 82 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement - ICANN82 Registration opened - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)
Herve reminded the usual process to manage to.
He is going to send to the members the mail about the call of topics tomorrow.
- Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates (Yaovi Atohoun)
First of all, Yaovi wishes Happy new year 2025 , on behalf of the GSE Africa team, wished Happy new year 2025 to all participants. Then he shared with the community some information :
- AFRALO Social Media Working Group Update - (bukola.fawole and Team)
No updates.
Following the message Herve sent to the community, Herve thanks those sent to Remmy some articles for the next newsletter.
6. AFRALO Membership Matters (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)
Herve proposed to the community to create a special edition of our newsletter. This edition will be dedicated exclusively to showcasing information and updates from our ALS representatives.
7. AOB
With no other business being proposed, @Hadia closed the meeting by once again encouraging all members to actively participate in AFRALO activities.