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Report: AFRALO - Monthly Meeting


5. Reports/Updates/Items for discussion

Establishment of a group of capacity building. Amina Ramallan will propose the Termes of Reference.

Establishment of a group of emerging leaders. Pastor Peters will propose the Termes of Reference.

Establishment of a group of former AFRALO leaders

  • ALAC Appointee Selection Committee and ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee members and alternates (hadia.elminiawi)
    • AFRALO - ALAC Appointee Selection Committee member and alternate
      • Kiza Patrick     member
      • Houda Chihi    alternate
    • AFRALO - ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee members and alternate
      • Hadia Elminiawi        member
      • Muriel Alapini            member
      • Bram Fudzulini           alternate
  • Preparation of  ICANN 82 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement - ICANN82 Registration opened    - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI

Herve reminds reminded the usual process to reachto manage to.
He is going to send to the members the mail about the call of topics tomorrow. 

  • Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates  (Yaovi Atohoun


No updates.


Following the message Herve sent to the community, Herve thanks those sent to Remmy some articles for the next newsletter. 

6. AFRALO Membership Matters (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)

Herve proposed to the community to create a special vol of our newsletter only focused for the ALS. Herve will create  


With no other business being proposed, @Hadia closed the meeting by once again encouraging all members to actively participate in AFRALO activities.
