00:32:51 Silvia Vivanco: To the Second UA day AFRALO session
00:33:56 Shadrach Ankrah: Thank You
00:35:23 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: Hello everyone ! Gabdibé from Chad.
00:35:38 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Hello All / Bonsoir à tous .
00:35:41 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "Hello everyone ! Gab…" with
00:37:00 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Greeting from Cameroon
00:37:45 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: Zoom thank u
00:37:58 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Replying to "Zoom thank u"
You are welcome, thank you
00:38:37 Elias Mane: Hi everyone, Elias from Ghana for the records.
00:38:59 Hadia Elminiawi: Welcome all!
00:39:06 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Welcome Elias and all
00:39:19 Elias Mane: Reacted to Welcome Elias and al... with "
00:39:36 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Reacted to "Welcome Elias and al…" with
00:39:52 Elias Mane: Replying to "Welcome Elias and al..."
Thank you Silvia.
00:53:49 Frank Anati: Hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana
00:58:58 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: Thank you, Simone, for your presentation. Am I wrong to assume that most of your recommendations here is similar if not the same with the AFRALO AFRICANN 80 Statement being developed.
01:05:13 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: As a follow-up to Fatimata, how do we EDUCATE the illiterates in the application of these? Even our language has to be LEARNED to WRITE it. That is what Fatimata is driving at. Africa has a long way to go.
01:07:14 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Reacted to "As a follow-up to Fa..." with
01:08:44 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: For the interest of time, I have a feeling that reaction from Simon is enough though I wanted to give real example from Kondoa Community Network which a local community in Tanzania and recently realised why they need UA.
01:09:32 Nkem Nweke: With the response I still don't see how the illiterate publics is carried along
01:10:10 Hadia Elminiawi: Reacted to "For the interest of ..." with
01:10:33 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: We are here to discuss Dr Jabhera not to be censored
01:11:58 Joel Okomoli: Email handles are not translated @Nkem Nweke
01:12:45 Joel Okomoli: Any app that uses or requires input will need to consider UA
01:14:50 Stephen Dakyi: Education in Africa is mostly not conducted in our local languages. It's unfortunate that many languages in Africa can't be read or written by their own speakers.
01:15:06 Fatimata Seye Sylla: @Remmy Nweke, you are right about translation tools but I think we still need UA to create our own content
01:17:58 Remmy Nweke: With avalanche of online translators in several local languages in the world, what is the future of UA to end user whose interest is just to translate into local language
01:18:08 Adetokunbo Abiola: Can someone who can read and write in a local language be considered an illiterate?
01:18:29 Joel Okomoli: No
01:18:36 Remmy Nweke: Above is for @Simon
01:18:45 Hadia Elminiawi: We will move now to Yaovi
01:19:07 Caleb Ogundele: Replying to "Can someone who can ..."
No one is an illiterate as long as they can communicate in whatever language.
01:19:21 Remmy Nweke: Above is for @Simon
Can someone who can read and write in a local language be considered an illiterate? @Simon
01:20:46 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: Reacted to "Above is for @Simon ..." with
01:22:22 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Please kindly mute your microphones in your laptops if not speaking
01:22:28 Caleb Ogundele: I totally agree. Specifications are important
01:22:50 Caleb Ogundele: I mean specification of concept
01:23:37 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: Thank you, Simone, for your presentation. Am I wrong to assume that most of your recommendations here is similar if not the same with the AFRALO AFRICANN 80 Statement being developed.
Above for Simone
01:24:20 Tatiana HOUNDJO: Reacted to I totally agree. Spe... with
01:25:41 Hadia Elminiawi: @Remmy Nweke anyone who can read and write in any language is not an illiterate
01:25:41 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: You made it easy now Yaovi, sure our reference is UA for domain name and email address. That make it easy for non-tech user to understand it plus the previous examples that we have given out.
01:36:23 Remmy Nweke: @Yaovi ATOHOUN the test board for the WordPress for UA, is it open or limited to African University or Academia. I will be glad to join in the testing team.
01:37:00 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: You can also share the link here
01:37:39 Yaovi ATOHOUN: Anyone running WordPress and ready to help run a test can contact me at yaovi.atohoun@icann.org . Thanks
01:39:28 Elias Mane: Reacted to Anyone running WordP... with "
01:40:19 Seun Ojedeji: Reacted to Anyone running WordP... with "
01:41:40 Mutegeki Cliff Agaba: Can you please share the link to the Google doc
01:41:47 Mutegeki Cliff Agaba: Reacted to Anyone running WordP... with "
01:41:59 Mutegeki Cliff Agaba: Replying to "Anyone running WordP..."
01:42:04 Remmy Nweke: It will be nice to have the metrics in our next AFRALO Newsletter
01:42:40 Remmy Nweke: It will be nice to have the metrics in our next AFRALO Newsletter
@Hadia Elminiawi on the strategy
01:42:47 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: @Mutegeki Cliff Agaba , see google doc page 6: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p_7xwz-rWOVqhK7z8KwM2o_0FYPWkD9RbntLj1sO0u4/edit?userstoinvite=moataz@uptown6october.com&sharingaction=manageaccess&role=writer
01:42:57 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: It is linked to today’s agenda as well
01:43:33 Remmy Nweke: And is there means to support ALS beyond country outreaches in promoting AU as a strategy @Hadia Elminiawi
01:43:35 Mutegeki Cliff Agaba: Thanks Silvia
01:48:36 Seun Ojedeji: Replying to "@Mutegeki Cliff Agab..."
I think this documen...
01:51:28 Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE: Reacted to I think this documen... with "
01:55:10 Sètondji HOUNZANDJI: Could we add financial support item ?
02:00:13 Hadia Elminiawi: The deadline for the AFRALO UA Day strategy will be one week from now
02:00:38 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Deadline to finalize it May 30th
02:01:07 Hadia Elminiawi: One year
02:03:18 Sètondji HOUNZANDJI: Not.now
02:03:18 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: We encourage you to turn your camera on if at all possible.
02:03:31 mgolozi peresi: okay
02:03:38 Remmy Nweke: Remmy Nweke
02:04:09 Dr. Jabhera Matogoro: Dr. Jabhera Matogoro
02:04:37 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: You all look great!
02:05:02 Seun Ojedeji: Nice session thanks
02:05:03 Elias Mane: Thank you
02:05:05 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Thank you !
02:05:11 mgolozi peresi: Thank you so much
02:05:13 Elias Mane: Reacted to Thank you ! with "
02:05:16 Joel Okomoli: Joel Okomoli
02:05:17 Stephen Dakyi: thank you all
02:05:20 Yaovi ATOHOUN: Thank you all. Bye
02:05:25 Nkem Nweke @DNS WomenNG: Good bye all
02:05:31 mgolozi peresi: Thank you All,
02:05:31 Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Great meeting, thank you team and all
02:05:31 Joel Okomoli: Bye
02:05:31 Hadia Elminiawi: Bye all
02:05:37 Tatiana HOUNDJO: Thank you all
02:05:38 Hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all
02:05:38 Sètondji HOUNZANDJI: Bye