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Date: Wednesday, 27 March 2024  


*****Zoom Registration Link (MUST REGISTER TO JOIN):*****   Password: AFRA27MAR*

Real time transcription (RTT) available at (subject to availability) 


  1. Welcome and Introduction - @Hadia Elminiawi  hadia.elminiawi - (2 min)
  2. ICANN 79 Topics (66 mins):
    1. UA Day 2024  and IDNs (Presentation)-   abdulkarim.oloyederaymondselorm.mamattah  and  hadia.elminiawi 
    2. Continued Improvement Program (CIP) community - bram.fudzulani  and Chokri Ben Romdhane 
    3. ICANN Grant Program (Presentation)-    bukola.fawole 
    4. Applicant support Program (Presentation) - Tijani BEN JEMAA 
    5. Africa Space and AFRALO-AFRICANN meeting -  abdelaziz.hilali  and Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong 
    6. Geopolitical, legislative and Regulatory Development (Presentation)- otieno.barrack 
  3. Key Takeaways and Q/A - All Discussion leads - (20 mins)
  4. Wrap up and next steps -  hadia.elminiawi - (2 minutes)
