2023-08-10 AFRALO General Assembly Organizing COmmittee call
- @Silvia Vivanco to update OC on status of Action Items next week via email.
- Draft rapporteur reports: OC to review/finalise especially when not written in native language (check the English). Once completed, staff (?) to transfer Google doc into PDF.
- Draft AFRALO GA Report: OC to provide final input/edits by Monday 14 August.
- @Silvia Vivanco@Heidi Ullrich to contribute to the report by Monday 14 August
- @Seun Ojedeji to update survey with an additional field: Participation: in person or remote
- Once approved, survey to be sent to AF GA mailing list for onsite participants
- @At-Large Staff to collect list of remote participants from zoom to complete survey
- Survey completion day TBC (5 working days?)
- @Gisella Gruber to provide the French translation of the survey
*Note* - survey only to be sent once cleared by legal.
No further calls required at this stage.
2023-08-03 AFRALO General Assembly Organizing Committee Call
- seun.ojedejiand Silvia Vivancoto work on a scoping document to review the Operating principles.
- seun.ojedeji and the members of the AFRALO WG Operating principles review 2020 led by Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong and Isaac Maposawill review the AFRALO scoping document with suggestions for specific points to review in the AFRALO Operating Principles.
- Heidi Ullrich , Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber in collaboration with JZ to develop a session on the At-Large loop
- aziz.hilaliHilali Will reach out to GA speakers informally and once confirmed, Silvia Vivanco will follow up with a formal email invitation.
- seun.ojedeji and Silvia Vivanco to clean up the GA document. Once final, Silvia Vivanco will post it in the wiki page
- seun.ojedeji to send the GA Agenda in accordance with the Operating Principles article 7 Meetings.
- Michelle DeSmyterto create a wiki page with tabs and space for 2 languages to post AFRALO's Agenda .
- seun.ojedeji noted that any last travelers need to be completed tomorrow.
- seun.ojedeji noted that all members of the AFRALO GA OC members, ALAC members and the NomCom Delegates should get travel slots if they are not current ALS representatives.
- seun.ojedeji, aziz.hilali and bukola.fawole and raymondselorm.mamattah are the members of the AFRALO GA Program Committee. aziz.hilali will be the lead of the Program Committee.
- The AFRALO GA OC to determine if other GA committees are required.
- Claudia Ruiz to submit the final travel list to Travel Support on Friday, 31 March.
- Claudia Ruiz to note OC members early arrival (arrival early on the 23rd of July) and later departures (departure on 27 July)
- Heidi Ullrich to send the final AFRALO GA travel list and the Action Items to the AFRALO GA members.
- Claudia Ruiz to create a mailing list for the AFRALO GA Travelers with the suggested name of "AFRALOGA2023". Claudia Ruiz to confirm name of the mailing list on the AFRALO GA Skype chat.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next AFRALO GA call on 13 April at 18:00 UTC.