DigitalSENSE Africa Media is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria, the only bonafide government agency charged with registration of organisations. DigitalSENSE Africa Media is an accredited member of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as At-Large Structure (ALS), since November 14, 2014.
DigitalSENSE Africa Media is the organisers of the annual Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum Series including the Internet Governance Forum for Development (IG4D) and Nigeria Internet Protocol version Six (IPv6) Roundtable since 2009, as well as the publishers of DigitalSENSE Business News, NaijaAgroNet and ITRealms.
In 2011, DigitalSENSE Africa Media midwifed the first-ever Nigeria hosted West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) in collaboration with the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and the Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) even as DigitalSENSE Africa is a corporate member of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA) and member, Local Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (LMAG-NIGF).
DigitalSENSE Africa Media is an integrated body of advocacy, information technology analysts, communication experts and publishers, with vision to genuinely add value to our stakeholders through facts based on technology evolution and media towards ensuring positive and excellent use of technologies, by impacting people via the power of analytical media, so as to make a DigitalSENSE for our society.
Some of our current subject of interest includes NetMundial, gTLD, ccTLD, IPv6, Multistakeholderism, Future Internet, African Internet Stakeholder, DNS Women, Child Online and Youth Empowerment Using Technologies to name a few.
DigitalSENSE Africa Media is made up of professionals with varying backgrounds including human rights activists, consumer advocates, media activists, internet consumers, with the membership of our advocacy wing open to individuals internet users in Nigeria who are described as ambassadors of DigitalSENSE Africa.
DigitalSENSE Africa (DSA) Media annually collaborate with the stakeholders to organize two public events since 2009 with focus on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a tool for socio-economic empowerment and development, namely DSA Forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) in Nigeria which has served as the preparatory session for the country on many fronts at the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF); and the annual Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable, which is an avenue for the creation of awareness for the Future Internet and the potential impact on the country’s economy, encouraging participation of Nigeria stakeholders in the Second Internet Initiatives, and supports greater Research & Development investment in activities around the Future Internet.
Further, DigitalSENSE Africa (DSA) collaborates with government agencies and private sector (public-private partnership) on relevant course of engagement with Nigerian stakeholders to ensure government buy-in of outcomes, through enabling the platform for concerned agencies to share government positions on issues especially as regards to internet freedom and private sectors who cherish appropriate use of ICT for Development. While communiqués are sent to all key stakeholders as part of the multi-stakeholderism approach in Nigeria.
Some communiques from DigitalSENSE Forum Series could be located here:
- COMMUNIQUE Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum Series 2015 on Internet Governance for Development & IPv6 Roundtable
- COMMUNIQUÉ Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum Series 2014 June 5-6, 2014
- IPV6-2014
- 2012 Communique
- 2010 Communique
All members:
- Are encouraged to participate in monthly Forum
- Take part in DigitalSENSE Africa Forum Series; Annual face-to-face to gain more education, learn of upcoming events, announcements, briefings, and newsletters
- To join DigitaalSENSE Club send an email to and cc: with subject - Membership.
Contact us:
DigitalSENSE Africa Media
Block F1, Shop 133 Moyosore Aboderin Plaza, Bolade Junction,
Opp. Akinkpelu Street, Oshodi-Lagos
P.O. Box 2823 Oshodi Post Office, Oshodi-Lagos State, Nigeria
234-8034606066, 8099400183, 7026272656, 8023122558, 8033592762
E: /
Primary Contact:
Name: NKEMDILIM REMMY NWEKE (Executive Director, Operations), Lead Consulting Strategist)
Email:, nkem_nwk@yahoo
Telephone: 234-80994001838023122558, 80237256078033592762
Secondary Contact:
Name: REMMY NKEMDILIM NWEKE (Lead Strategist)Executive Director, Operations),, remmyn@gmail
Telephone: 234-80231225588099400183, 80335927628023725607