- Yaovi Atohoun will send an email to AFRALO leaders and this group with the key Universal Acceptance activities during ICANN 75.
- Yaovi Atohoun will confirm the Agenda, dates/times for the UA session by September 5th. The second session will be held between October 25-27. Suggested same time as first session 13:30-15 UTC )
- Yaovi Atohounwill send Bios and speakers photos to the social media WG can prepare promotional materials.
- bukola.fawole and AFRALO Social media group will prepare promotional materials (flyers and social media posts). Social media promotion shall start during ICANN 75
- Silvia Vivanco to create a google doc with the announcement for the next UA session
- Yesim Saglam will prepare a zoom registration link (once the session date and time are set).
- Yesim SaglamYesim will schedule the UA AFRALO session for 90 mins and will send invitations to participants in the first session. Session will have FR interpretation.