Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021
French Conference ID = 1838
Zoom Room: Passcode: AFRALO_Re0
AGENDA - English
Welcome and Roll Call - At Large Staff (2 minutes )
Adoption of the agenda - Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong(2 minutes)
- Recap on Action Items June 10 call - At Large Staff (5 minutes)
- Individual members voting rights- Seun Ojedeji (AFRALO Chair)/ Hadia Elminiawi (15 minutes)
- Individual member application process - Sarah Kiden/ Hadia Elminiawi (15 minutes)
- Participation, termination, and withdrawal of Individual membership - Barrack Otieno/ Isaac Maposa (15 minutes)
- Next steps - Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong(4 minutes)
- AOB (2 minutes)