AFRALO Operating Principles approved on September 6, 2017
AFRALO Operating Principles
The final version of the revised AFRALO Operating Principles as approved at the 26 October 2009 AFRALO meeting may be downloaded as a PDF here: EN, FR
9.1. AFRALO may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership if:
9.1.1. it is determined the objectives of AFRALO have been achieved and its existence is no longer necessary, or;
9.1.2. it is determined that AFRALO will no longer be able to function effectively, or;
9.1.3. The structure of the At-Large community in ICANN is modified in such a manner that Regional At-Large Organizations no longer exist in the Bylaws of ICANN.
9.2. A motion for dissolution may be passed at a General Meeting provided notice of the intent to move for Dissolution is given to all Members 90 days before the Meeting is held.
9.3. Any motion for dissolution must provide for the disposal of any assets of AFRALO.