1. Who have responded |
Roger Oteng Baah (Internet Society Ghana Chapter) |
Omar Shuran (LISOC) |
Bram Fudzulani (ICT Association of Malawi) |
Gabdibé (AEPF-Tchad (Action pour l'Éducation et la Promotion de la Femme au Tchad) |
Vernatius Okwu EZEAMA |
Sarah Kiden (ISOC Uganda) |
Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ (Action pour l'Éducation et la Promotion de la Femme au Tchad - AEPF-Tchad) |
Kouami / Olévié (INTIC4DEV) |
Jean de Dieu Benda Nkurunziza (Rwanda ISOC) |
KINANGA YINDU Cédric (Chapitre RDC) |
2. Proposed Topics (please select no more than 4 topics) |
How to participate in names Policy Development Process - 9 (75%) |
Security Trends Impacting Registrants and End-Users - 8 (66.7%) |
How to develop an At-Large statement - 6 (50%) |
ICANN Empowered Community - 6 (50%) |
Next Generation Registration Directory Services (Whois) - 5 (41.7%) |
Public Interest within ICANN's Remit - 4 (33.3%) |
At-Large review - 4 (33.3%) |
New gTLD auction proceed - 3 (25%) |
New gTLD Subsequent Procedure - 2 (16.7%) |
IDN Universal Acceptance - 1 (8.3%) |
3. Propose additional topics not listed above |
New gTLD Right Protection Mechanism(RPM) |
The top 4 topics are:
- How to participate in names Policy Development Process and develop an At-Large statement
- Security Trends Impacting Registrants and End-Users
How to develop an At-Large statement - ICANN Empowered Community
- Next Generation Registration Directory Services