Members: Kavouss Arasteh, Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Helen Lee, Malcolm Hutty, Nigel Roberts, Robin Gross, Sam Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Observers: Chris Disspain, Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Kristina Rosette
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
Review agenda and updates to SOIs
Action items from the last meeting:
All - review the public comment input from both public comment periods on the topic of the repose
Staff – Prepare a scorecard to track progress vs major items
Brief update on consolidation sub-group meeting.
Continue discussions on the time for filing issue:
Review and discuss public comment input on the repose (prong 2) – IOT members should attend the meeting prepared to identify, for discussion, those comments that they consider to be meaningful n this topic
Time permitting, begin discussion and review public comment input on time for filing from the date Claimant knew/ought reasonably to have known (prong 1)
Next Meeting - Tuesday 2 February 1900 UTC
- mp3 (1.31:54)
- Zoom Replay
Action Items
Zoom Chat Transcript