Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Becky Burr, David McAuley, Kate Wallace, Kavouss Arasteh, Liz Le, Olga Cavalli, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner (9)
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer (2)
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
- Word doc
mp3 Replay:
1. Admin/SOI
2. Status on timing issue – small group discussion
3. EOI document – including staggered terms for panelists (see Sam’s mail to list of 3/29)
4. Joinder issue
5. Working methods – list and meetings
6. Consensus policy
Documents Presented
- EOI-Standing-Panel-DRAFT for IOT Consideration
- Greg_David email_29 March
- Email from David McAuley_6 April
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Good day and welcome to IRP-Implementaion Oversight Team meeting #18 on 6 April 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer:This meeting will be recorded. Please mute your phone when not speaking by pressing *6 (star 6) *6 will also unmute.
David McAuley:4154 here
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hel;lo all
David McAuley:Hi all
David McAuley:Hi Olga, hope SSIG going well
David McAuley:will start at 2 min past
Olga Cavalli - GAC Argentina:hello all, have no mic but will listen
avri doria:Exccellent idea. te hard part is figuring out who to stagger.
avri doria:it is a normal boot strat problem
avri doria:bootstrap
avri doria:but then wee have too few at early days
David McAuley:I can hear Sam but Sam please move closer to mic
avri doria:i have trouble understanding what My Aresteh is saying about language. To Bootstrap is international langauge.
avri doria:i mean Mr. Aresteh.
Samantha Eisner:@Kavouss, we do not have any carve-out in the CCWG process to allow for changing the Bylaws without going through the Bylaws-mandated processes, even if the CCWG WS2 were to recommend changes to the Bylaws
avri doria:Besides, I only know 1 English and do not know how to speak internatinal English.
Becky Burr:agree with Sam on this. important
Kavouss Arasteh:Davide+1
Kavouss Arasteh:Avri
Kavouss Arasteh:A language understood by everybody
avri doria:Kavouss, I know of no langauge understood by everybody and have no way of knowing which parts of my normal langauge are understood by everybody. I only know what langauge I uunderstand and I avoid using slang. But not I feel opperessed and do not know how I can possibly speak.
avri doria:I fundamentally disagree with what Kavouss is aying.
avri doria:i thnk Diversity is a critical component - and unless we have a diverse panel, it will not be comptnent in the aggregate.
Samantha Eisner:(B)ICANN shall issue a call for expressions of interest from potential panelists, and work with the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and the Board to identify and solicit applications from well-qualified candidates, and to conduct an initial review and vetting of applications. (C)The Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees shall nominate a slate of proposed panel members from the well-qualified candidates identified per the process set forth in Section 4.3(j)(ii)(B).
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check - 20 minutes left in call
Kavouss Arasteh:If they are independent ,then they may confuse the panel if they have inconsistent views
avri doria:i think rule 5 is very important
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check 9 minutes left in call
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check 3 minutes left
avri doria:i tink it is importnat to avoid chilling effects, either by process or particpants behavior, on conference calls.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all
David McAuley:good bye all