- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Agenda Review (2 minutes)
- Housekeeping
- Recording Meetings (5 minutes)
- Resolution 2014.06.02.01 by Daniel Karrenberg
RSSAC permits ICANN staff to make audio recordings of its meetings for the sole purpose of preparing meeting notes. These recordings are to be completely and irreversibly deleted once the notes have been prepared. The chair may decide to have parts of the meeting excluded from recordings.
- Resolution 2014.06.02.01 by Daniel Karrenberg
- Board Compensation for Non-Voting Liaisons (5 minminutes)
- Resolution 2014.06.02.02 by Daniel Karrenberg
RSSAC permits its liaison to accept compensation once the ICANN Board passes Resolution 2014.04.30.06
- Resolution 2014.06.02.02 by Daniel Karrenberg
- Recording Meetings (5 minutes)
- Minutes from Previous Meetings (10 minutes)
- Status of Membership Committee (10 minutes)
- Operational Procedures Document (10 minutes)
- Julie Hedlund's discussion points
- Future work items:
- Transition of Stewardship of IANA Functions discussion
- ICANN Accountability
- DNS Dashboard
- Next meeting(s) (5 minutes)
- Plans for ICANN 50
- Time slots?
- Agenda?
- Plans for ICANN 50
- AOB (5 minutes)
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