Resolution 2014.04.14.01: "RSSAC normally prepares informal notes of its meetings as an internal tool. Normally ICANN staff provides these notes to RSSAC as quickly as possible after the meeting. These notes are not published and have no formal status."
Proposed by Daniel Karrenberg
Amendment: "These notes are to be kept in RSSAC internal archives for future reference."
Proposed by Lars-Johan Liman
Resolution 2014.04.14.02: "The RSSAC chair has formal minutes prepared of each meeting. These minutes will contain at least: participants (w/ apologies), date/time, meeting venue, agenda, resolutions, and action items. The minutes may contain details about the deliberations as decided by RSSAC."
Proposed by Daniel Karrenberg
Amendment: "The formal minutes will be circulated within the committee no later than10 working days after the meeting for review and will be published as 'draft minutes' no later than 15 working days after the meeting. They will be approved at the meeting subsequent to their publication after which the 'draft' indicator will be removed."
Proposed by Lars-Johan Liman
Resolution 2014.04.14.03: "RSSAC to prepare formal minutes from the meetings on March 14 and March 25, based on the informal notes, and have them ratified during the next meeting."
Proposed by Lars-Johan Liman
Resolution 2014.04.14.04: "RSSAC will conduct formal electronic votes according to".
Proposed by Daniel Karrenberg
Resolution 2014.04.14.05: "RSSAC will establish a caucus according to".
Action Items
- Carlos Reyes to draft formal minutes from 14 March and 25 March meetings and circulate to
- Julie Hedlund to create a separate document defining the Caucus.
- Suzanne Woolf to prepare an executive summary of RSSAC’s role in the discussion about the transition of the IANA functions so Lars-Johan Liman can ask for volunteers.
- Carlos Reyes to publish work plan on the RSSAC wiki and webpage.
- Carlos Reyes to distribute Doodle polls for 30 April, 15 May, 31 May.
- Lars-Johan Liman to draft a note to the Board explaining the sequencing for the re-appointment of B, C, K, M representatives.
- Barbara Roseman to work with Board Support on the appointment of Tripti Sinha as D-root representative.