The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for 20 February 2013 at 2100 UTC.
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Proposed Agenda for 06 February 2013:
1. Roll call (1 min)
2. Statements of Interest (1 min)
3. Approval of the agenda (1 min)
4. GNSO Council Liaison to the SCI (10 mins)
5. Termination and Suspension of a PDP (10 mins)
6. Chair/Vice Chair elections and terms (SCI Charter change) (10 mins)
7. Charter Revision drafting team (10 mins)
8. Action on Working Group survey (5 mins)
9. Re-submitting a motion (10 mins)
10. AOB (2 mins)
For review:
TBDSCI Charter Chair/Vice Chair Election Language J.Scott Evans 24 Jan
GNSO Working Group Survey SCI Member Results, Comments
Actions from 06 February Meeting: