Apologies: Amr Elsadr
1. Roll call
2. Statements of Interest
3. Full consensus call for GNSO Operating Procedures Proposed Revision Relating to Motions & Amendments closed.
4. Discussion Subteam B : Chair/Vice-Chair Elections
5. AOB
Issue 2:
1. Comments concerning IPC proposal that the relevant House should have the ability to appoint a different Interim Vice Chair that is otherwise eligible. Discussion: General agreement to not adopt the proposal as it might be overly complicated. Continue with the currently proposed language.
2. Scenario 2, 3, and 4: Both Vice-Chair positions are vacant -- if a House fails to appoint a new Interim Vice Chair to serve.
Action: Staff will integrate the proposed language into the GNSO Operating Procedures and send it to the list for SCI consideration and consensus call. [Section 2.2]
Discuss on the list: The question of whether to send out the amendments revisions in a separate public comment, but hold up the revision of the operating procedures until the elections language is approved.