The Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team call will take place on Thursday, 03 March 2022 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
Info |
- Welcome & Chair Updates (10 minutes)
- ICANN73 Working Session proposed agenda:
- Brief overview of background and current status
- Continue deliberations (e.g. accuracy working definition, review of existing data sources)
- Q & A session
- Measurement of accuracy (10 minutes)
- Review remaining input received on google doc [], see page 25 - How and by whom can it be measured whether current goal(s) of existing accuracy requirements are met?
- Confirm next steps
- Accuracy working definition / construct (30 minutes)
- Review input received (see [])
- Confirm next steps
- Review of existing data sources (30 minutes)
- See compilation developed by Staff Support Team as well as overview of ARS Cycle 6 findings
- Team to consider these existing data sources and role in assessing existing current situation & identifying possible gaps
- Confirm next steps
- Additional questions for ICANN Compliance (10 minutes) (see [])
- Introduce questions (Alan, Michael)
- EPDP Team input
- Confirm next steps
- Confirm action items & next meeting (ICANN73 - Monday 7 March at 16.30 UTC)
Tip |
CRM Attendance Apologies: Owen Smigelski, Toba Obaniyi Alternate: none |