Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team – Meeting #14 Thursday 20 January at 14.00 UTC - Welcome & Chair Updates (5 minutes)
- Vice-chair – review expressions of interest received, if any
- Upcoming meetings:
- GNSO Policy Webinar on 22 February at 14:00 UTC
- ICANN73 Accuracy Scoping Team meeting scheduled for 7 March at 12:30 – 14:00 (local time) / 16:30 – 18.00 UTC
- ICANN org responses to Scoping Team questions (45 minutes)
- Review scoping team follow up questions / comments (see
- Additional Q & As
- Gap Analysis (10 minutes)
- Finalize review of input (still missing BC):[]
- Scoping team input
- Confirm next steps
- Measurement of current goals identified (20 minutes) – see page 25[] (20 minutes)
- Review input received
- Confirm next steps
- Confirm action items & next meeting (Thursday 27 January at 14.00 UTC)