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From November 2015 to end January 2017


DateConference/meeting name, organisers/host, location

ICANN staff / CS community attending

Materials / reports

Type of support / involvement

Community planning to attend?
6 - 9 December 2016Internet Governance Forum 2016, Guadalajara, MexicoICANN community and staff attending and organising workshops (TBC)Local host websiteICANN sponsoring 
16 - 19 November 2106Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Conference website here  
20 October 2016re:publica in Dublin Conference information  
17-18 October 2016Freedom Online Coalition, San Jose, Costa Ricacommunity membersConference site here  
28 -30 September 2016CyFy: The India Conference on Cyber Security and Internet Governance, New Delhi, India. Observer Foundation(TBC ICANN community and staff)

Conference site here

Conference announcement PDF

27 - 29 September 2016Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2016, Kampala, Uganda.  Organised by CIPESA Conference site here  
22 - 23 September 20168th West Africa IGF, Niamey, Niger


Conference site here  
6 - 8 September 2016Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium "Embracing Capacity Building Opportunities in the Digital Era", Nairobi, Kenya. Organised by ITUExpected pre-event on Internet Governance capacity buildingConference site here  
9 - 14 August 2016

World Social Forum, Montreal

ICANN StaffConference site here  
2 - 3 August 20162016 New York Nonprofit ConferenceNARALOConference site here  
1 - 5 August 2016

CANTO 32, Puerto Rico

ICANN Staff (RALO?)Conference site hereICANN sponsoring 
9 - 10 June 2016EuroDIG, , Brussels, Belgium ICANN staff, At-Large (EURALO), NCUC, NPOC participatingConference site hereICANN sponsoring 
1 -2 June 2016Nigeria IGF Abuja, Nigeria (June 1 Youth focus)Conference site here  
1 June 2016Croatian IGF, Opatija, Croatia    
1 June 2016Canadian Internet Forum 2016, , Ottawa, CanadaNARALO, NPOCConference site here  
31 May - 3 June 2016CommunicAsia 2016, Singapore  Conference site here  
31 May - 2 June 2016SITIC Africa 2016, Tunis, Tunisia Conference site (French) (English)  
30 May - 3 June 2016Estonian ICT Week Conference site here  
29 May - 10 June 2016Africa Internet Summit, Gaborone, Botswana. Includes "ICANN Day" Saturday 4 June 2016.AFRALO Seun Ojedeji, NPOC Olévié Kouami, and NCUC Rafik Dammak (remote). ICANN staff.conference site here. Presentations: AFRALO, NPOC, NCUCICANN is an AIS sponsor 
17 - 19 March Czech IGF    
16 - 19 March 2016

International Studies Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia

 Agenda here  
16-17 March 2016DIDS Serbia Domain Days 2016    
11 - 15 March 2016SXSW Interactivw, Austin, Texas Agenda here  
26 - 28 February 2016Internet Researchers' Conference 2016, Feb 26 – 28, New Delhi, India Agenda here  
 23 February 2016"Nonprofits and the DNS: Why it Matters", GKPF (NPOC), Washington DCKlaus Stoll (NPOC), Joe Catapano (ICANN)Agenda here  
 17 February 2016Open discussion on Internet Fragmentation, Berlin. Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) and supported by ICANN.Jean-Jacques Sahel, William Drake (NCUC)Website here  
 29 January 2016Session "Internet Architecture and Human Rights" at Computer Data Protection and Privacy Conference, 27-29 January 2016, Brussels. Additional NCUC outreach side event (ICANN Brussels office 27 January)Workshop organised by Monika Zalnieriute, University of Melbourne (NCUC), Andrea Beccalli (ICANN) panelist

Agenda here

Note of NCUC outreach here

ICANN conference sponsorship, NCUC CROPP funds for participation 
8 January 2016ICANN Civil Society engagement meeting, Nairobi. Co-hosted by ISOC-Kenya, KICTNet (NCUC) and ICANN


Bob Ochieng and Adam Peake (ICANN), Barrack Otieno At-Large, Grace Githaiga KICTANet NCUC

Agenda here

Meeting report here 

ICANN and community created workshop 
25 November 2015

"Civil Society and ICANN – policy topics and participation", Amsterdam. Co-hosted by Media Studies Department, University of Amsterdam; Article 19, ISOC-NL, ICANN

Jean-Jacques Sahel (ICANN), Stefi Milan and Niels ten Oever (NCSG)Agenda hereICANN and community created workshop (facility hire) 
19 November 2015Conference session "Who is Controlling the Internet, towards a transnational model of democratic accountability" at the World Forum for Democracy, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.Jean-Jacques Sahel

Agenda and session description here.

MP3 recording here

ICANN invited to organise and lead a session at CoE conference