Draft strategy document, version 1. Created 20 July 2105, last edited 21 October 2015 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tLfHfPcxeZUumwoP3eZdbRLRE-CEwJKv0uMXZO15kIo/edit(Google Doc)
(this document was created in response to a request from the community at ICANN53 Buenos Aires, Argentina https://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/sun-alac-ncsg and (session webpage) and was discussed during ICANN54, Dublin, Ireland https://meetings.icann.org/en/dublin54/schedule/wed-civil-society(session webpage)
Draft strategy document, version 2, created after the Dublin ICANN54 meeting, created on 13 November 2015 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xC5pxWr4uzkU_Uoi3guGFEFrP9LHYk_KV11mRlBcqWQ/edit(Google Doc)
Document editing closed 14 December 2015 for a community call on December 16. The final version of the strategy was agreed on this call:
The final document was shared made available on 16 December 2016, the strategy continues to be developed:
DRAFT Approach – ICANN Civil Society, Non-Commercial, Academic and End-User Engagement in FY16
16 December 2015 (PDF)