- The ccNSO Council comments WT 1-4_draft.docx
- IntroMeridianInstituteccNSO[1].pdf
- Item 5 20 September CLEAN Charter_ Meetings Programme Working Group .pdf
- ITEM 7.2 - Template CSC Effectiveness Review version 03 12 September clean.pdf
- Item 8.2 20 September 2018 Responses to ccNSO questions on the proposed amendments to the CCWG-IG charter.pdf
- Item 12-1 Summary Notes on the CEO - CCNSO (Vice) Chairs.pdf
- Item 14.1 GNSO Activity Report August 2018.pdf
- Item 14.2 20 September 2018 ALAC updates-Sep.pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOagenda-20180919.pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOBlockSchedule-20180919.pdf
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's Council call on 20 September at 18:00 UTC
Abibu:hello kim
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Kim, Abibu, and Souleymane
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi everyone
Joke Braeken:hello everyone!
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Ale
Pablo Rodriguez:OK
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All I 'm on mute
Giovanni Seppia:Hi All, I am attending the conf call
demi getschko:Hi!
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Gianni
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Demi
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Hiro
Christelle Vaval:Hi all
Peter Vergote:Hi everyone. Greetings from Bruges
Byron Holland:Hi Everyone, Greetings from Canada
Hiro Hotta:Hi!
Hiro Hotta:Hi all
Hiro Hotta:Hi all
Pablo Rodriguez:Hi Peter and Byron!
Stephen Deerhake:Greetings Byron! Lovely evening here in Uzbekistan...
Byron Holland:You are a long way from the East Coast Stephen!
Kimberly Carlson:@Biyi I have muted your AC line
Kimberly Carlson:Stephen i have muted your line as well
Kimberly Carlson:Abibu is on phone audio only
Joke Braeken:the archive can be consulted here: https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccnso-nominations/2018-September/date.html#24
biyi oladipo:thanks Kimberley was trying to do that from here
Joke Braeken:And the call for nominations is published here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ccnso.icann.org_en_announcements_announcement-2D11sep18-2Den&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=Q5qr3Lw7jj6VYxOiG-bBPZ4oDm88cvDQSuPGORXEcxs&s=i7sGcRkXISrN-MAL4AJYXIYhlVyv4KCIFftvc5Kb3yA&e=
Kimberly Carlson:You're welcome
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks also!
Stephen Deerhake:Is it just me or is Katrina breaking up badly?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I hear her well
Stephen Deerhake:Is it just me or is Katrina breaking up badly?
Christelle Vaval:same here
Christelle Vaval:i hear properly
Giovanni Seppia 2:I hear her well too
Stephen Deerhake:Suggest reference to RFC1591 be dropped.
Stephen Deerhake:Must be because she's 3 floors below me and not 8,000 KM away from the rest of you! ;-)
Hiro Hotta:katrina's voice is breaking up
Stephen Deerhake:You're better now...
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Margarita - we are on item #6 of the agenda
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Monday is 24th
Stephen Deerhake:I think it's good to go
Stephen Deerhake:Anyone for a wee bit of Zoom? ;-)
Bart Boswinkel:No addtional comments from my end
Bart Boswinkel:Lousewies van der Laan
Stephen Deerhake:Smart of you, Bart!
Bart Boswinkel:I know my country folks
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:And Lito too ;)
Joke Braeken:Lito Ibarra is invited as well (.sv)
Stephen Deerhake:Yes.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Now we can
Bart Boswinkel:Monday 22nd
Bart Boswinkel:Topics for the respectivemeetings will be circulated after the call
Giovanni Seppia 2:Council prep meeting conflicts with ccNSO SOPC
Stephen Deerhake:Oh, that's a bit of a problem. A big one actually.
Bart Boswinkel:No it shoull dnot
Bart Boswinkel:Prpe meeting is lunch meeting
Kimberly Carlson:sopc is from 1330-1500
Giovanni Seppia 2:OK, so that is fine
Joke Braeken:it is back-to-back, but not overlapping
Kimberly Carlson:21 Sunday
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:You'll see in the block schedule Giovanni
Giovanni Seppia 2:All fine, we will run from one room to another!
Kimberly Carlson:Giovanni, i have arranged for Council prep and SOPC to be in the same room, back to back
Giovanni Seppia 2:I was hoping to do some exercise :-)
Pablo Rodriguez:I don't see anything
Kimberly Carlson:and GRC for those interested
Katrina:thanks Kim
Pablo Rodriguez:Thanks!
Katrina:is it better, Pablo?
Kimberly Carlson:THere is a Tech Day lunch as well
Pablo Rodriguez:Much better!
Kimberly Carlson:Must attend Tech Day to get your lunch invitation
Giovanni Seppia 2:Thank you Joke
demi getschko:Well done, Alejandra and Joke! (if possible, please, send the block chart and members meetings agenda via e-mail)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Already on your inbox :)
Stephen Deerhake:We can't go to lunch because of ccNSO prep session if I read that schedule correctly ;-)
demi getschko:Ooops. Thanks!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:prep session includes lunch @Stephen
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:but yes... it is parallel to TLD-OPS lunch :(
Stephen Deerhake:I figured it was since it has in the past. Just a case of my fingers responding to Kim's comment... ;-)
Kimberly Carlson:Barcelona meeting wiki space: https://community.icann.org/x/MgNpBQ
Joke Braeken:Go to Kim's link, and click then on the members meeting agenda page. Or go directly to https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=90768548 to consult the Members Meeting agenda
Giovanni Seppia 2:No updates from the SOPC as the public comment periods for the ICANN Operating Plan and Budget FY20 and the ICANN 5 years Strategy Plan are both expected to open in November and no documents have been published at this stage
Joke Braeken:Ching will be attending, and he agreed to be available to give the update
Joke Braeken:but thanks for the offer Peter!
Kimberly Carlson:9
Pablo Rodriguez: Thank you very much!
Joke Braeken:11 councillors submitted their preference before the 17 September (23:59 UTC) deadline for the Fellowship Selection Committee
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Maybe we can include a rationale with our votes, to explain the scoring of the candidtaes?
Bart Boswinkel:Or people misinterpet the selection procedure
Giovanni Seppia 2:Shall we have this discussion at the next f-t-f meeting in Barcelona?
Bart Boswinkel:Suggest to run over the proceudres and continue this discussion at prep meeting
Katrina:that's one of the suggestions I have, Giovanni
Abdalla:may be we need a marking template to grade
Stephen Deerhake:+1 Bart
Youngeum:agree as well
Giovanni Seppia 2:thank you!
demi getschko:Thank you for the very usuful meeting
Giovanni Seppia 2:And again Happy Birthday APTLD!
Youngeum:bye! Thank you.
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye - see you in Barcelona
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all.
souleymane:thank you
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! See you soon :)
souleymane:bye all