WHEREAS the ALAC supports the introduction of gTLDs but is concerned about the ability of ICANN to protect the interests of Internet end-users as it scales to cope with a massive expansion;
RESOLVED THAT the ALAC request that the ICANN Board reconsider its rejection of the fund-independent cost reduction for support-eligible applicants as a matter of supporting the public interest;
RESOLVED THAT the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) conveys to the ICANN Board and community a deep concept about the possible harmful effect on Internet end-users of a single massive expansion of gTLDs;
RESOLVED THAT the ALAC convey to the ICANN Board the urgency of phasing-in the introduction of new gTLDs gradually, releasing no more than 25 every three months and that each such release be comprised of at least 30% community, support-eligible or "geo-region" TLDsRESOLVED THAT the ALAC request that the ICANN Board reconsider its rejection of the fund-independent cost reduction for support-eligible applicants as a matter of supporting the public interest;
RESOLVED THAT the ICANN community must be enable enabled to monitor the progress of the releases, and that elements of the application process demonstrated to cause or allow harm or confusion to registrants, Internet end-users or conrtent/service providers must be correctable in an expeditious manner.
- Items marked in bold may be considered arbitrary values which are subject to review and consensus.
- The Summit declaration is available at http://www.atlarge.icann.org/files/atlarge/correspondence-05mar09-en.pdf