The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday 27 August 3 September 2014 at 19:00 UTC for 60 mins 12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT, 20:00 London, 21:00 CET
- Roll Call / Update to SOI
- Review latest version of Deliverable I template and confirm deadline for final comments(see latest version attached)
- Confirmation of sending of letters to ISPCP, ALAC and RySG re. comments submitted as well as request for input to SG/Cs on flow charts
- Commence discussions on Deliverable II-III (see attachedPresentation of GDD Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (see document attached)
- Discussion of / feedback on / questions concerning GDD Consensus Policy Implementation Framework
- Review categorisation charts for question A and B - deliverable II-III (if time allows)
- Next steps / confirm next meeting
Documents for Review:
- GDD_implementation_framework_1.0[1].pdf
- Deliverable I - PIWG - updated 26 Categorization Chart for Question A under Deliverable II-III 27 August 2014.docdocx
- Categorization Chart for Question B under Deliverable II-III - PIWG - 5 27 August 2014.docdocx