Tuesday, 31 October 2017
- Time: 10:30–11:00 GST | 06:30–07:00 UTC | (timezone converter)
- Meeting Room: Capital Suite 07
- Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/abu60-capitalsuite7
- Session details are located here: https://icann60abudhabi2017.sched.com/event/CbG2/gnso-non-commercial-users-constituency-ncuc-constituency-day-meeting
- Adobe Connect - CCT presentation starts at 1:42:25 timestamp
- Audio: mp3 - CCT presentation starts at 1:36:13 timestamp
Transcripts: PDF
Stephanie Perrin: What exactly have you explored to control anti-competitive behavior here? And my concern at the moment mostly in the context of any potential data protection regime that might come into play here is anticompetitive abuse reporting. So I’m interested in quality standards for and to control anticompetitive behavior in the absence of any kind of regulatory framework. I’m wondering what you guys have looked at.
Farzaneh Badii: So we have in our public comments on your report we had a concern that these recommendations push ICANN far beyond its limited scope. We add into the content regulation we actually we are - we issued a statement about ICANN should not be become a content regulator and it’s in its bylaw. But we also said which recommendation should be improved or should be removed in order to (unintelligible) ICANN limited mission mandate. Did you take those recommendations into account?
Stefania Milan: I would like to speak to briefly get your word on some procedural issues. So in our comments we also read a concern and a quote that several bypass (around) recommendations bypass and display displays for the GNSO policy development processes and procedure putting a lot of – well demanding action of PDP Working Group and eroding confidence in the GNSO Council. I’m just summarizing. Can you comment to the concerns that we have?