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Sunday, 29 October 2017 - 12:15 -13:15 GST
08:15–09:15 UTC | (timezone converter)
LOCATION:  Hall A, Section A (ccNSO)

  General Session / PlenaryOpen Session


Interested in hearing how DNS Abuse impacts the New generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) Program? Join the engagement session of the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team on 29 October 2017 to learn about its latest findings and share your input.
The goal of this engagement session is to provide an overview of the CCT findings and recommendations from its Draft Reports. This is a unique opportunity to provide your feedback, questions, and comments. Community participation is key to the success of a review, so please share your unique input and perspective to help shape the final recommendations of the CCT. 
The CCT has recently published new sections to their previous draft report for public comment on two new areas of analysis. These include the impact of safeguards introduced as part of the New gTLD Program to mitigate DNS abuse and the costs to trademark holders. 
The Review Team sought to measure the effectiveness of a number of technical safeguards developed for the New gTLD Program in mitigating various forms of DNS abuse. To do so, ICANN commissioned the Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG) report by researchers from SIDN Labs and Delft University of Technology to address the review team’s request for a comprehensive DNS abuse study. Results of the study can be found here. 
To better understand the impact of the New gTLD Program on rights holders, the CCT Review Team worked with INTA, which commissioned a survey of its members. The results of this survey informed the CCT Review Team as it made recommendations on rights protection mechanisms that were incorporated into the New gTLD Program. 
The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review (CCT) is mandated by the ICANN Bylaws to evaluate: 1) how the New gTLD Program has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. 2) the effectiveness of the application and evaluation processes. 3) the effectiveness of safeguards put in place to mitigate issues arising from the New gTLD Round.
This review is one of the key inputs to the re-opening of applications for the next round of New gTLDs. For further information on the progress of the review, please visit the CCT Review Team wiki or the CCT Review homepage.


Attendees (per AC room sign-in)  Alice Jansen, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Claudio, Daniel, DJS, David Taylor, Drew Bagley, Edmon, Eleeza Agopian, Erich Schweighofer, Fabricio Vayra, Farzaneh Badii, J.L., Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jennifer Scott, John McCaormac, Jonathan Zuck, Kal Feher, Kathy Kleiman, Kimberly Alston, Klaus Stoll, Laureen Kapin, Linna Hsii, Lori Schulman, Martin Sutton Nerendra Nath Gangavarapu, Raymond Zylstra


Chat transcript:  EN

Slides: PDF

Questions received:
