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Sunday, 29 October 2017 - 12:15 -13:15 GST
08:15–09:15 UTC | (timezone converter)
LOCATION:  Hall A, Section A (ccNSO)


Attendees (per AC room sign-in)  Alice Jansen, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Claudio, Daniel, DJS, David Taylor, Drew Bagley, Edmon, Eleeza Agopian, Erich Schweighofer, Fabricio Vayra, Farzaneh Badii, J.L., Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jennifer Scott, John McCaormac, Jonathan Zuck, Kal Feher, Kathy Kleiman, Kimberly Alston, Klaus Stoll, Laureen Kapin, Linna Hsii, Lori Schulman, Martin Sutton Nerendra Nath Gangavarapu, Raymond Zylstra


Chat transcript:  EN

Slides: PDF

Questions received:

  • John McCormac - Has the paper been updated to replace WIN with TOP as a Chinese gTLD?
  • Edmon: Curious why "parking" and "domain forwarding /redirection" is considered within the same "category"?
  • John McCormac - Will ICANN take action against abusive registrars based on this report/paper? Will compliance pressure be brought to bear on registries that facilitate such abusive registrars and activity?

  • Kathy Kleiman: Does the RT report expressly reflect some of the limitations of the INTA Study -- that there were only 33 responses of 1096 questionnaires send out and that 52% of responses were from companies with revenues over $5 Billion. This raised many questions by others reviewing it. It would seem that those questions should be raised by CCTRT as well. Will it?

  • Kathy Kleiman: On what basis was the idea that the URS should be used more?  Just wondering what the evidentiary basis was for this recommendation.

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