Team: Jonathan Zuck, Kaili Kan, Drew Bagley, Laureen Kapin, Waudo Siganga, Dejan Djukic, Megan Richards, Calvin Browne, Jamie Hedlund, Fabro Steibel, Jordyn Buchanan, Carlton Samuels, Gaongalelwe Mosweu
Observers: Zack Coleman
Staff: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Pamela Smith, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti
Apologies: David Taylor, Margie MIlam
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Reach consensus on recommendations for:
a. Consumer Trust – Laureen
b. Impact of Safeguards - Laureen
c. Benefits vs Confusion to End Users - Megan
d. Registry Policies - Dejan
- A.O.B
VIII.ImpactofSafeguards (1).pdf
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
Executive Summary will be discussed at a later time.
EXTEND 2/2 Plenary to 2 hours
Draft Report Recommendations
- add prioritization at beginning of recommendation: Priority: low, medium, high - consensus approved pending addition of prioritization
- Consider adding the prioritization to all recommendations - add as agenda item to plenary call
Chapter VI. Consumer Trust -
Rec. 1 (p. 15) - Consensus approved, pending addition of prioritization matrix
Rec 2 (p.16) - Delete reference to the Board. High priority, prerequisite to subsequent rounds. - Consensus approved
Further Review Recommendation 1 (p. 17) - High priority, not a prerequisite to subsequent rounds - Consensus approved
Further Review Recommendation 2 (p. 18) - Medium priority, not a prerequisite to subsequent rounds - Consensus approved
Safeguards for all new gTLDs
Rec 1 (p. 3) - Jonathan/Jamie are supposed to discuss effort involved with providing more granular data on complaints.
Rec 2 (p. 3) - remove Board reference, revise to call for more community discussion and allocate to other review teams with a more appropriate remit to the discussion; soften language to make it less prescriptive (Jordyn/Laureen/Jamie to edit language) Medium priority but not a prerequisite to subsequent rounds - Consensus approved
Mitigating Abusive Activity:
Rec. 3 (p.5 ) - Repeat study at regularly designated intervals - more specificity about timing. Laureen/Drew/Brian to collaborate on language. High priority, not a prerequisite. Consensus approved.
Security Checks:
Rec (p. 6) - Consensus approved as modified by Jordyn. Medium priority, no priority.
Making and Handling Complaints:
Rec (p.7) - Laureen to reformulate rec per discussion and move the rec.