Team: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Kaili, Kan, Drew Bagley, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin,
Gaonglalewe Mosweu, Fabri Steibel, Waudo SIganga, Jordyn Buchanan, Calvin Browne, Megan Richards
Observers: None.
Staff: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Brian Aitchison, Eleeza Agopian, Antonietta Mangiacotti , Margie Milam, Alice Jansen
Apologies: Carlton Samuels, Jamie Hedlund, Dejan Dukic, David Taylor
- Research updates
- DNS Abuse Study
- Economic Study
- NTLD Stats
- Stan’s “wish list”
- Plenary call preps
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI (5 min)
-Build recommendations based on Competition & Consumer Choice High-level findings (45 min)
- Build recommendations based on Safeguards & Trust High-level findings (45 min)
- Has the New gTLD Program Put Sufficient Mechanisms In Place to Mitigate risks to the Trustworthiness of the DNS? papers i.e.
- Have the Safeguards been Implemented in a Manner that Promotes Effective Enforcement?
- Technical safeguards (Calvin)
- Implemented GAC safeguards (Laureen)
- Voluntary PICs 5drew, Laureen)
- RPMs (David)
- Have the New gTLD Operators complied with:
- Technical safeguards (Fabro)
- GAC implemented safeguards (Fabro)
- RPMs (David)
- What was the impact of the New Safeguards on DNS Abuse? (Drew)
- Did the New Rights Protection Mechanisms mitigate certain risks involved with the Expansion of the New gTLD program? (David)
- Has the New gTLD program put mechanisms in to improve trustworthiness in the DNS?
- Background of History of GAC Safeguards and new Registry Agreement (Laureen)
- Description of Technical Safeguards and Implementation (Calvin)
- Description of Safeguards Applicable to all gTLDs and Implementation (Laureen)
- Description of Safeguards Applicable to sensitive/highly regulated gTLDs and Implementation (Laureen)
- Description of Voluntary Public Interest Commitments (Drew/Laureen)
- Description of Rights Protection Mechanisms (David)
- Effectiveness of Procedures to Enforce Safeguards
- Are the new procedures effective in enforcing safeguards? (Carlton)
- Have these efforts had an impact on public perception of the DNS? papers?
- What is the level of consumer awareness of the new gTLDs? (Carlton, Gao)
- Have consumers expressed trust in the new gTLD program efforts? (Laureen)
- Has consumer trust in the DNS improved overall since the introduction of new gTLDs? (Jamie)
- Identify findings on Application and Evaluation paper (15 min)
- Was the application and evaluation process effective at addressing the needs of underserved areas and markets? (Waudo)
- Draft report structure & next steps (5 min)
- A.O.B (5 min)
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN EN
Recommendations Template: Given Finding X, we see a deficiency/excess/limitation Y and therefore recommend Z to address it.
* ST-02. Technichal Safeguards_Calvin v4:
- Rec 1: Calvin to review Compliance Reporting to restate the first recommendation to be more specific
- Rec. 2: Calvin to update 2nd recommendation to reference known costs of safeguards (by cost center - registrar, registrant, etc.)
- New Rec: ICANN to be whitelisted & not rate limited for WHOIS lookups
- ACTION ITEM: ICANN to get info from WHOIS ARS on rate limiting challenges
*ST-Voluntary PICs_Drew_v2:
- Rec: Registries to self report on voluntary pics
- ACTION ITEM: Drew and Carlos to come up with language on self reporting recommendation
gTLD Market:
- ACTION ITEM: ICANN legal to provide information on whether ICANN should be collecting price data directly
Effects of parking - DNS abuse study
Assertions of increased parking with new gTLD's and negative effects of parking
- New Rec: Recommendations to study parking